
Create a JDF endpoint

In this dialogue you can setup the JDF endpoints. You can use a JDF endpoint to transfer jobs to a web shop of PRISMAdirect. Status information of the order is sent back from PRISMAdirect. The connection status of each JDF endpoint is displayed in column [Status].


Green dot

The connection to the JDF endpoint is established.

Orange dot

The connection to the JDF endpoint is not checked or the connection is being checked.

After a reboot of the system, the dots are orange. Click [Test connection] to update the state of each JDF endpoint.

Red dot

The connection to the JDF endpoint cannot be established. Check the settings of the JDF endpoint.

  1. Click [System] - [Services settings] - [JDF service] - [JDF endpoints].

  2. Click [Add JDF endpoint].

    Select a [JDF endpoint] and click [Edit] to edit an existing [JDF endpoint].

  3. Define the [JDF endpoint] data.

    1. Type a name for the JDF endpoint.

    2. The URL used to access this [JDF endpoint] is automatically generated and cannot be changed.

  4. [Additional configuration for DSF]

    Enable this option when you want to use Digital StoreFront.

    1. You can type a value in the spinbox for the DSF port.

      The DSF URL is generated automatically and cannot be changed.

  5. [Web shop]

    Select for which web shop you want to create the JDF endpoint.

  6. [Choose a default product]

    The JDF endpoint uses the selected product to create jobs. The selected product is only used when the JDF ticket does not specify a product.

  7. [Allowed file types]

    • To accept all document types, type: *

    • You can type the supported types of digital documents (for example PDF, DOC, PS, ...). Use a comma to separate the custom document types.

    You can customise this setting for one or more user groups. See: [User management] - [User groups] - [User group settings]. The custom settings overrule the web shop settings for the user group. The custom settings are used in all web shops for the concerning user group.

  8. [Timeout for orders containing multiple jobs [min.]:]

    You have to set the timeout for orders containing multiple jobs. All jobs have to be imported before the timeout expires. If the timeout expires, the order including any imported jobs is marked as [Failed].

  9. Select the desired [Authentication] method and define the required data.



    [Windows authentication]

    The Windows user is actually the user that runs the “Print JDF Service”. You can lookup the user of “Print JDF Service” in the Services dialogue of Microsoft Windows.

    This user must be an LDAP user and the LDAP server must exist in PRISMAdirect for the authentication of the endpoint to be successful.

    The user is not prompted for a user name and password.

    [Custom authentication]

    Type a valid PRISMAdirect user and its password.

    You can use the [Test connection] button to check the entered credentials.

  10. [Use custom mapping files]

    Enable this option to use your own mapping file. The [Mapping files] are used every time the [JDF endpoint] is used. Do not move, delete or rename these files.



    [Default mapping file for job status]

    [Default mapping file for JDF ticket]

    You can download the default mapping files and use these files to create a custom mapping. See the two links in the top-right of the dialogue.


    Browse to the mapping files that you want to use.

    [JDF ticket:]

    This file is used to map JDF to PRISMAdirect ticket items. A mapping file is used to construct a valid PRISMAdirect ticket with the values taken from the JDF ticket.

    [Job status:]

    This file is used to map the job status in PRISMAdirect to JDF.

  11. [Disable automatic price estimation and quotation]

    When this option is disabled, the prices are automatically calculated directly after the import of an order.

    Else, the customer must click [Calculate now] to estimate the price of the order. The operator must click [Calculate now] to calculate the quotation.

  12. [Collect logging for analytical purposes]

    Use the logging to analyse the JMF messages and the JDF ticket.

  13. Click [Save].

    You receive a notification that the JDF service is restarted.