
Email the accounting reports

This topic describes the complete configuration to email the accounting reports.

You have to configure the settings to email the accounting reports in the [Configuration] workflow:

  1. Enable accounting

    You have to enable accounting to:

    • Collect accounting information.

    • Enable dialogue [Email accounting reports automatically]. This dialogue is hidden when accounting is disabled.

  2. Configure the settings to email the accounting reports automatically

    Configure the default email settings and create a scheduled task.

  3. Select which reports you want to attach to the email

    Select and configure the reports. You can configure custom email settings.

You can manage the accounting reports in workspace [Reporting].

Enable accounting

  1. Click [System] - [Accounting and reporting] - [Accounting] - [Accounting workflow].

  2. Enable option [Enable accounting].

  3. Configure the credentials for the SQL server.

    The same SQL server is used for the payment workflow, see [System] - [Connectivity] - [Payment providers]. When you change the settings for the SQL server in that dialogue, the settings will also change in this dialogue and vice versa.

    1. Define the [Computer name \ instance name:].

      With this option, you define where the accounting database is stored. For example: SQL_server_name\SQL_server_instance_name.

    2. You have to define how the [Order processing] connects to the accounting database. The authentication type depends on the location of the SQL server:

      Location of the SQL server


      Local SQL server

      SQL authentication (recommended)

      Type the account credentials of an existing login account for the SQL server.

      Remote SQL server inside the domain

      Windows authentication (recommended)

      The Windows user credentials are used for the authentication. The user is not prompted for a user name and password.

      SQL server outside the domain

      SQL authentication (mandatory)

      Type the account credentials as defined by the customer for the SQL server.

    3. Type the password of user sa. You have defined the password for user sa when you installed PRISMAdirect.

      Accounting information can be collected when the user has system administration rights on the accounting database.

    4. [Test connection]

      Click this button to test the connection to the SQL server.

  4. Click [Save].

Configure the settings to email the accounting reports automatically

The dialogue [Email accounting reports automatically] becomes available when you have enabled accounting. See the above procedure.

  1. Click [System] - [Accounting and reporting] - [Reporting] - [Email accounting reports automatically].

  2. Configure the default email settings.

    1. Enable option [Email accounting reports automatically].

    2. Define the default email address. This is the email address of the recipient of the reports.

      When you add more than one email address, you must use a semicolon to separate the addresses.

    3. [File format for report:]

      The reports are converted into the selected format. The converted reports are attached to the email.

    4. [Reporting period [months]:]

      The accounting reports for the defined reporting period are emailed.

  3. Create a scheduled task.

    • Click [New trigger].

    • Define when you want the task to start.

      You can define that the task is executed once, or you can set a recurrence pattern. Define the start date and enable or disable the task.

    • Type the username and password for the user. This user runs the task.

      The task [AutomaticReportsEmailSender] is created in the task scheduler. The task is executed with the provided credentials.

      The task generates the selected reports before emailing the reports. The reports generated via the scheduled task are saved on the server in the "Asset" folder. You can select the reports in dialogue [Accounting reports].

    • Click [Save].

Select which reports you want to attach to the email

  1. Click [System] - [Accounting and reporting] - [Reporting] - [Accounting reports].

  2. Enable option [Email the report] for each report you want to attach to the email. You can select one or more reports.

    The report filenames (*.rpt) are displayed in this dialogue. However, the report titles are displayed in workspace [Reporting]. It is recommended that the filename and the title of a report are similar when you create a new report.

  3. Click the report to configure the report settings.

    1. Define the email address.

      • [Default]

        Send the report to the recipient defined in dialogue [Email accounting reports automatically]

      • [Custom]

        Define a custom email address for the recipient. The custom email address overrules the default email address for this report.

      When you add more than one email address, you must use a semicolon to separate the addresses.

    2. [Attach the report]

      The report is attached as a file to the email.

    3. [Add hyperlink to report to the email]

      A link is added to the email. Click the link to open the report on the server.

    4. [Overwrite existing report]

      You can keep all versions of this report, or you can overwrite any existing reports on the server.

    5. [Delete existing report automatically]

      Enable this option to automatically delete the report on the server when a new report is generated. You can type a value in the spinbox for the number of days.

  4. Click [Save].