
Recover Nozzles by Wiping (Required if AMS is Non-Functional)


If automatic printhead maintenance (AMS) is not functional, the following manual procedure can be used temporarily to attempt to recover nozzles.


  • Foam Tipped Swab (3010118211)

  • Flush (3010106646 Flush UV 1 Liter) or Isopropyl alcohol (99% pure)


  1. Select the Maintenance tab.
  2. Select the Manual-Maintenance icon.
  3. Select Standard maintenance for the color channels that require nozzle recovery.
  4. Slide open the maintenance station drawer.
  5. Press the Purge button and then press the Raise Carriage button.
  6. Dip the foam end of the swab in a small container of flush solution (or alcohol).
  7. Position the foam end of the swab at one end of the printhead as shown in the figure below.
  8. Slowly move the swab from one end of the printhead to the other. This should take approximately 2 seconds.

    Make sure the seam on the swab does not contact the printhead.

  9. Rotate the swab by 180 degrees and repeat step 8.
  10. Discard the swab. A new swab must be used to clean the next printhead.
  11. Continue until all printheads that required cleaning are wiped.
  12. Inspect all printhead for any residual ink. Remove with a clean dry swab if necessary.
  13. Close the maintenance station drawer and print a nozzle check to evaluate the effect of the wiping.

    Please call your local field service representative to schedule a visit to service the AMS unit. Recovering nozzles by wiping is to be used only as a temporary procedure until the AMS unit is fixed.