
Configure hotfolders

A hotfolder is a shared folder on PRISMAsync Print Server. A hotfolder is linked to an automated workflow to determine the job settings for a hotfolder.

The system administrator can configure hotfolder settings.


When you want to


Go to the hotfolders

  1. Open the Settings Editor and go to: [Workflow]  → [Hotfolders].

Enable and configure the hotfolder function

  1. Click [Configure].

  2. Select the protocols you want to use.

  3. Click [OK].

Add a hotfolder

  1. Click [Add].

  2. Enter a name for the hotfolder.

  3. Select the automated workflow that has the required job settings.

  4. Define the access rights

    • Select [All authorized users] when all authorized user accounts are allowed to access this hotfolder.

    • Select [Authorized users of a specific user group] when all authorized user accounts of a specific user group are allowed to access this hotfolder.

  5. Select the user group if you indicated that in step 4.

  6. Click [OK].

Edit a hotfolder

  1. Select a hotfolder.

  2. Click [Edit].

  3. Change the required attributes.

  4. Click [OK].

Delete a hotfolder

  1. Select a hotfolder.

  2. Click [Delete].

Define the order in which hotfolder jobs are handled

  1. Open the Settings Editor and go to: [Preferences]  → [System settings].

  2. Go to [Processing of hotfolder jobs].

  3. Indicate the order in which hotfolder jobs are handled.

  4. Click [OK].

Create a shortcut to a hotfolder on a Windows system

  1. Start the standard Windows wizard to map a network drive.

  2. Use the link to connect to the PRISMAsync hotfolder to share documents or files.

  3. Enter the path to the hotfolder.

    This path is displayed in the hotfolder settings in the Settings Editor.

    • For WebDAV use the format: http(s)://<hostname>/dav/<hotfolder name> or http(s)://<IPaddress>/dav/<hotfolder name>.

    • For SMB use the format: \\<hostname>\<hotfolder name> or \\<IPaddress>\<hotfolder name>.

  4. Enter the username and password.

  5. Enter a name for the network location.

  6. Drag and drop the hotfolder to your desktop.

Create a shortcut to a hotfolder on a MAC system

  1. Open the Finder.

  2. Click [Go]  → [Connect to Server...].

  3. Enter the path to the hotfolder.

    Use the format: http://<IPaddress>/<hotfolder name> or http://<hostname>/<hotfolder name>

    This path is displayed in the hotfolder settings in the Settings Editor.

  4. Click [Connect].

  5. Enter the username and password.

    After approval of the login information, the Finder opens and automatically opens the mounted drive with the hotfolder name.

Create a JDF ticket for a hotfolder

  1. Click [Ticket editor].

  2. Make the required settings.

  3. Click [Save ticket].

  4. Open the folder where the ticket is saved from your web browser.

  5. Drag and drop the ticket into the hotfolder.

  6. Make sure the [Overrule job ticket] option of the corresponding automated workflow is unchecked. (Configure automated workflows)