
Accounting - Impressions / number of printed sides


See Response to QueryResource for usage counters for the description of these attributes.

Impressions (UsageCounters) are only added to the AuditPool if the original ticket contains a (skeleton) UsageCounter. A skeleton UsageCounter can have any value for @CounterTypes.


XPath: /JDF/ResourcePool/UsageCounter

Supported attributes








XPath: /JDF/AuditPool/ResourceAudit

Supported attributes

@QueueEntryID = "<queue entry ID of job>"


@AgentName = "PRISMAsync"

@AgentVersion = "V.R.L.P" (Version of main software of the printer)

@Reason = "ProcessResult"


ActualAmounts are the total number of printed impressions for a job. Meaning, the sum of all values of the specific "nofprinted…" fields of all records for a job in the account log file. For the specific "nofprinted…", see Response to QueryResource for usage counters

/JDF/AuditPool/ResourceAudit/UsageCounterLink is added if the job is Completed or Aborted (record.result = "Done" or "Abrt").

Per counter, one /JDF/AuditPool/ResourceAudit and /JDF/AuditPool/ResourceAudit/UsageCounterLink is added. So, there is only one UsageCounterLink per ResourceAudit.


XPath: /JDF/AuditPool/ResourceAudit/UsageCounterLink

Supported attributes

@rRef = "</JDF/ResourcePool/UsageCounter/@ID>"

@Usage = "Input"

@ActualAmount = "<see column "Account Log" in topic Response to QueryResource for usage counters>"

@oce:ActualAmountA4Color = "<see nofprinteda4c>"

@oce:ActualAmountA4MICR = "<see nofprinteda4micr>"

@oce:ActualAmountA3BW = "<see nofprinteda3bw>"

@oce:ActualAmountXLBW = "<see nofprintedxlbw>"

@oce:ActualAmountA3Color = "<see nofprinteda3c>"

@oce:ActualAmountXLColor = "<see nofprintedxlc>"

@oce:ActualAmountA3MICR = "<see nofprinteda3micr>"

@oce:ActualAmountXLMICR = "<see nofprintedxlmicr>"



<ResourceAudit QueueEntryID="b81995b3-a24e-4d0b-a7fc-7bd8398772c9" TimeStamp="2017-07-05T17:20:10Z" AgentName="PRISMAsync" AgentVersion="" Reason="ProcessResult">

<UsageCounterLink rRef="Counter_LargeBlack_170705172010.281" ActualAmount="9" oce:ActualAmountA3BW="9" oce:ActualAmountXLBW="0" Usage="Input"/>


<ResourceAudit QueueEntryID="b81995b3-a24e-4d0b-a7fc-7bd8398772c9" TimeStamp="2017-07-05T17:20:10Z" AgentName="PRISMAsync" AgentVersion="" Reason="ProcessResult">

<UsageCounterLink rRef="Counter_ OneSided _170705172010.281" ActualAmount="14" Usage="Input"/>




ActualAmounts are the total number of printed impressions for a job until this moment. Meaning, the sum of all values of the specific "nofprinted…" fields of all records for a job in the account log file.

/JDF/AuditPool/ResourceLinkPool/UsageCounterLink is added or updated if the job is Completed or Aborted (record.result = "Done" or "Abrt") or if the job is stopped and moved to the list of waiting jobs (record result = "Stop").

Per counter, one /JDF/AuditPool/ResourceLinkPool/UsageCounterLink is added to the same /JDF/AuditPool/ResourceLinkPool.


XPath: /JDF/ResourceLinkPool/UsageCounterLink

Supported range

See /JDF/AuditPool/ResourceAudit/UsageCounterLink



<UsageCounterLink rRef="Counter_NormalBlack_170705172010.281" ActualAmount="11" Usage="Input"/>

<UsageCounterLink rRef="Counter_LargeBlack_170705172010.281" ActualAmount="9" oce:ActualAmountA3BW="9" oce:ActualAmountXLBW="0" Usage="Input"/>

<UsageCounterLink rRef="Counter_OneSided_170705172010.281" ActualAmount="14" Usage="Input"/>

<UsageCounterLink rRef="Counter_TwoSided_170705172010.2810" ActualAmount="18" Usage="Input"/>



ActualAmounts are the number of printed impressions for a job during a certain print run. A job can be printed in multiple print runs (print, stop, move to the list of waiting jobs). For each print run, one /JDF/AuditPool/PhaseTime[@Status="InProgress"]/UsageCounterLink is added. Meaning, for each record in the account log file.

Per counter, one /JDF/AuditPool/PhaseTime/UsageCounterLink is added to the same /JDF/AuditPool/PhaseTime


XPath: /JDF/AuditPool/PhaseTime[@Status="InProgress"]/UsageCounterLink

Supported attributes

See /JDF/AuditPool/ResourceAudit/UsageCounterLink



<PhaseTime QueueEntryID="b81995b3-a24e-4d0b-a7fc-7bd8398772c9" TimeStamp="2017-07-05T17:20:10Z" AgentName="PRISMAsync" AgentVersion="" Start="2017-07-05T17:19:47Z" End="2017-07-05T17:19:49Z" Status="InProgress">

<UsageCounterLink rRef="Counter_NormalBlack_170705172010.281" ActualAmount="11" Usage="Input"/>

<UsageCounterLink rRef="Counter_LargeBlack_170705172010.281" ActualAmount="9" oce:ActualAmountA3BW="9" oce:ActualAmountXLBW="0" Usage="Input"/>

<UsageCounterLink rRef="Counter_OneSided_170705172010.281" ActualAmount="14" Usage="Input"/>

<UsageCounterLink rRef="Counter_TwoSided_170705172010.2810" ActualAmount="18" Usage="Input"/>

