
Configure input profiles

Input and output profiles are used by PRISMAsync Print Server to link the CMYK or RGB input colour spaces to the colour space of the printer. The input profile is used to convert the input colour space to the universal Profile Connection Space (PCS) colour space model.

Colour presets and transaction printing setups include the definition of one of the available input profiles.

For most print environments the factory defined input profiles are sufficient but, if required, you can import new input profiles.

Input profiles

When you want to


Go to the input profiles

  1. Open the Settings Editor and go to: [Colour]  → [Input profiles].

In the list you see the available input profiles, and if a input profile is in use and factory defined.

Import an input profile

  1. Click [Import].

  2. Browse to the required .icc file.

  3. Define a unique name and the description.

  4. Click [OK].

Export an input profile

  1. Click [Export].

  2. Browse to the location to store the input profile .icc file.

Edit an input profile

You only edit custom input profiles.

  1. Select the input profile.

  2. Click [Edit].

  3. Change the name and description.

  4. Click [OK].

Delete an input profile

You only delete custom input profiles.

  1. Select the input profile.

  2. Click [Delete].