
Configure the filters

You can configure if order managers and operators are allowed to create their own filters in the [Order processing] workspace.

  1. Click [User management] - [Users] - [User settings].

  2. Click the pencil icon to edit the user.

  3. [Allow only the use of filters created by the system administrator]

    • Enabled

      The order manager and operator cannot create any filters. They can only use the filters created by the system administrator.

    • Disabled

      The order manager and operator can create filters in the [Order processing] workspace.

    This option is not available for users with role: [Customers].

  4. Click [Save].

You can create filters to determine which orders are visible for a user. A filter shows the jobs and orders that match the required filter criteria. The filter hides all other jobs and orders.

You can create and configure the filters in the following locations in workspace [Configuration]:

  1. [Web store]

    The filter determines which orders are visible for a customer. You can create filters for each separate web store. See Create a filter.

  2. [Order processing]

    The filters determine which orders and jobs are visible for order managers and operators in the [Order processing] workspace. See Manage the filters.