
Manage operators and order managers

You can create and manage operators and order managers.

  • You can assign orders to order managers in the [Order view] of the [Configuration] workspace.

  • You can assign jobs to operators in the [Job view] of the [Configuration] workspace.

In this way, you can divide the workload between several people.

Additional actions


Edit an operator or order manager

Click the pencil icon. The icon appears when you hover the mouse pointer over an operator or order manager.

Delete an operator or order manager

Click the delete icon. The icon appears when you hover the mouse pointer over an operator or order manager.

You cannot delete an operator or order manager when a job or order is assigned to this user. In this dialogue, you cannot delete a user when the user was created in [User management] - [Users] - [User settings].

Create an operator or order manager

  1. To manage the order managers, click: [Order processing] - [Workflow configuration] - [General settings] - [Assign orders to].

    To manage the operators, click: [Order processing] - [Workflow configuration] - [General settings] - [Assign jobs to].

  2. Click the plus icon to create an operator or order manager.

  3. Type a name. You can use the characters: 'a - z', 'A - Z', '0 - 9', '_' . Spaces are allowed.

  4. Click [Save].