
Configure the accounting workflow

You can collect accounting information. The accounting information is saved in an SQL database. The accounting workflow uses the following order items and ticket items:

Order items:

  • FinalCost

  • UserId

  • Account

  • FinalizedTime

Ticket items:

  • FinalCost

  • FinalizedDate

These ticket items are available in several views in the [Product & order editor]. The system administrator can edit the captions of these items in the [Product & order editor].

The operator must be able to assign values to the ticket items which are used for accounting. Define in the [Product & order editor] that these ticket items can be edited by the operator.

The ticket is allowed to contain other ticket items.

The accounting information cannot be collected if the ticket definition contains an item with a name longer than 128 characters.

Enable accounting

  1. Click [System] - [Accounting and reporting] - [Accounting] - [Accounting workflow].

  2. Enable option [Enable accounting].

  3. Configure the credentials for the SQL server.

    The same SQL server is used for the payment workflow, see [System] - [Connectivity] - [Payment providers]. When you change the settings for the SQL server in that dialogue, the settings will also change in this dialogue and vice versa.

    1. Define the [Computer name \ instance name:].

      With this option, you define where the accounting database is stored. For example: SQL_server_name\SQL_server_instance_name.

    2. You have to define how the [Order processing] connects to the accounting database. The authentication type depends on the location of the SQL server:

      Location of the SQL server


      Local SQL server

      SQL authentication (recommended)

      Type the account credentials of an existing login account for the SQL server.

      Remote SQL server inside the domain

      Windows authentication (recommended)

      The Windows user credentials are used for the authentication. The user is not prompted for a user name and password.

      SQL server outside the domain

      SQL authentication (mandatory)

      Type the account credentials as defined by the customer for the SQL server.

    3. Type the password of user sa. You have defined the password for user sa when you installed PRISMAdirect.

      Accounting information can be collected when the user has system administration rights on the accounting database.

    4. [Test connection]

      Click this button to test the connection to the SQL server.

  4. Click [Save].

Clear the database

When PRISMAdirect is installed for a new customer, it is used in a testing environment first. During this period the database is filled with dummy information. You can clear all data from the database when PRISMAdirect is ready to switch to production. All records will be deleted and you start with a clean database again.

You have to be logged in as servicesuser to clear the database. You cannot use the user name and password directly above the button to login as servicesuser. You have to log out, then login as servicesuser again.

An error is reported when clearing the database fails. In this case, there are two possibilities:

  • The database still contains its information.

  • The database is no longer available to you.

If an error is reported, use the "Software Support" tool to export the logging. Analyse the following log file: WebDashBoardLog.log.