
Perform a G7 media family calibration

The calibration of a G7 media family calibration includes the very easy and quick creation of G7 output profiles with the PRISMAsync embedded profiler. PRISMAsync uses media families to indicate which output profiles and calibration curves must be applied to a media. Hence, the creation of a new media family with new output profiles and calibration curves are part of this procedure. PRISMAsync has regular media families and G7 media families.

The G7 calibration options

Before you begin

For information about:


  1. Calibrate the printer. (Calibrate the printer)

    You must always perform a printer calibration before you continue with this procedure.

  2. Touch [Create new media family] when you add new media.
  3. Touch [G7®] and [Calibrate and profile after creation] when you create the new media family.
  4. Select [Use halftone normal as basis], if required.
  5. Load the calibration media.
  6. Touch [OK].
  7. Follow the instructions on the control panel.


After G7 media family calibration, the feedback window shows the results of the performed procedure

Feedback window of G7 media family calibration

When you see a green checkmark icon, touch [OK] to save the new calibration curves.

When you see a red cross icon, use the table below to evaluate the result. Then, touch [OK] to save the new calibration curves or [Cancel] to discard the results.

Feedback screen



The ΔE values of the [Measurement accuracy] information are indicators for the accuracy by which the patches are printed and measured.

The control panel displays a heatmap whose patch locations correspond with the printed chart.


  • When the average ΔE value is less than the [Value where heatmap turns green] value the patches on the control panel turn green and the colour quality is fine.

  • When the average ΔE value is between the [Value where heatmap turns green] value and the [Value where heatmap turns red] value, the patches on the control panel turn orange-like and the colour quality can still be fine. However, you might want to try the options in the list below.

  • When the average ΔE value is greater than the [Value where heatmap turns red] value the patches on the control panel turn red. You are advised to try one or more options in the list below.

Options to improve colour quality

  • Check the patch on the printed chart

    On the control panel, use the > and < symbols to scroll through the calibration charts. Use the zoom symbol to zoom in or out.

    Touch the red patch to find the row and column number to check the corresponding patch on the printed chart to solve the problem. Then, calibrate the media family again.

  • Check the media

    There may be something wrong with the media used

  • Check the printer condition

    There may be a printer calibration or new toner required.


The [Output profile information] information shows the following characteristics about the output profile: description, creation time, calibration target, creator and colour space.


The [Gamut] information is an indication of the quality of the output profile. It is a visual representation of the colour gamut that the printer can produce with the created output profile on the used media.

Touch the wire frame icon to view the black curve that shows the gradient of the neutral colours. This curve goes from paper white to the darkest colour black that the printer can produce.


  • When you see an evenly shaped model with smooth colour transitions, the output profile is fine.

  • When you see a smooth black curve, the output profile is fine.

  • When you notice deviations in the colour gamut like dents, imperfections or deformities, examine the printed charts carefully. There can be something wrong with the measurement, the media or the printer condition. After this is resolved, perform the above procedure to create output profiles again.


The thick black line of the [Neutral colours separation] graph shows how grey values are reproduced with the separate colours cyan, magenta, yellow and black (CMYK).

Note that the darkest lightness value is on the left-hand side and the lightest value on the right-hand side.

Explanation for [Relative colorimetric] selection

The rendering intent [Relative colorimetric] reproduces true colours, for example for proofing applications and spot colours.

  • With this rendering intent the thick black line shows a kink at a lightness of about 12. This is the darkest colour black that the printer can reproduce.

  • The colour black is only used at a lightness of about 92 (black starting point) and lower.

Explanation for [Perceptual] selection

The rendering intent [Perceptual] reproduces contrasts in dark grey areas, for example for photos.

  • This rendering intent uses black point compensation. Hence, the thick black line gradually approaches the lightness of 0.

  • The colour black is only used at a lightness of about 92 (black starting point) and lower.

Explanation for [Saturation] selection

The rendering intent [Saturation] reproduces saturated colours, for example for business graphics.

  • This rendering intent uses only black to create saturated colours. The thick black line gradually approaches the lightness of 0.

  • Only the colour black is used at a lightness from 100 to 0.


The percentage values of the [Calibration accuracy]  → [2D view] information show how well the calibration procedure and output profile fit together.

The graph shows per colour channel how close the measured values meet the G7 target values.


  • When the average percentage value is less than the set threshold the calibration accuracy is fine.

  • When the average percentage value is greater than the set threshold check the printer condition.

You can perform the G7 verification procedure to verify if the printed output meets the G7 greyscale target. (Perform the G7 greyscale verification procedure)


The [Calibration accuracy]  → [3D view] information shows how well the calibration procedure and output profile fit together. The graph shows how close the measured greyscale curve (red) meets the G7 target greyscale curve (green).

Touch the wire frame icon to toggle between black curve view and CMY curve view.