
Analyse log files and view which services log information

Each service logs information in a dedicated log file. You can use the log files to troubleshoot the configuration of PRISMAdirect.

Collect and analyse the log files

Use the "PRISMAdirect software support" tool to collect and analyse logging information. Do:

  1. Start the "PRISMAdirect software support" tool to collect the log files:

    Click: "Start - Search - Apps - Software Support".

  2. Analyse the log files.

    Select tab "Logs" to start analysing the log files.

Log files and services

The following services are deployed on the PRISMAdirect server and/or web servers:

  • Print Automatic Processing Service

    This service performs page counting, page preview generation, merge and native file conversion. It writes to log file "ProcessingService.log".

  • Print Job Data Dispatcher

    This service uploads files during job submission and dispatches actions on jobs in the system to the Print Automatic Processing Service. It writes to log file "JobDataDispatcher.log".

  • Print Monitoring Service

    This service handles notifications on changes (Orders/Files/Order status) from the JDF Framework and it caches data for the web client. It writes to the log files "MonitoringService.log", the "MonitoringWCF.log" and "LicenseState.log".

  • Print Import Service

    This service imports orders from a local or remote file system, via hot folders. It writes to log file "ImportService.log".

  • Print Export Service

    This service exports orders into archive files, into the configured export folder. It writes to log file "ExportService.log".

  • JDF Framework

    This service handles user management and order storage on disk. It writes to log file "FW-OceJdfFramework-Trace.log".

  • Print JDF Service

    This service imports orders from JDF/JMF endpoints. It writes to log file "JdfService.log".

  • Print Prepare Manager Service

    This service performs the actions that involve PRISMA Core. For example, apply automation templates, VDP document and data source validation, etc. It writes to log file "PrepareManagerService.log".

  • Print CleanUp Service

    This service removes files that are no longer needed. It writes to log file "CleanUpService.log".

  • Print Cost Manager Service

    This service computes cost estimation, quotation and handles budget approval and operations on cost centres. It writes to the log files "CostManagerService.log" and "CostManagerWCF.log".

  • Print License Monitoring Service

    This service checks the licence. It writes to log file "LicenseMonitoringService.log".

  • Print Machine Manager

    This service handles the IIS configuration. It writes to log file "MachineManagerService.log".

  • Print ORS Service

    This service handles the connection to Océ Remote Service. It writes to log file "ORSService.log".

  • Print Synchronization Service

    This service runs only on the remote component "Web server". It handles the synchronisation of settings between the server and the remote web server. It writes to log file "SynchronizationService.log".

  • Print Uniflow Interface Service

    This service handles the connection to uniFLOW. It writes to log file "UniflowInteropService.log".

  • Print CSVLog Service

    This service is always disabled.

The following service is deployed on client PCs:

  • Print Bootstrap Service

    This service synchronises the automation templates in PRISMAprepare with PRISMAdirect. It writes to the log files "Bootstrap.log" for the web bootstrap executable and "BootstrapService.log" for the Print Bootstrap Service.

The following service is deployed on all computers where PRISMA Core is installed:

  • PRISMAprepare ORS service

    This service handles the connection between PRISMAprepare and Océ Remote Service.

The following table shows which services run on each component of PRISMAdirect:


Web server

Client PC

  • Print Automatic Processing Service

  • Print Job Data Dispatcher

  • Print Monitoring Service

  • Print CleanUp Service

  • Print Cost Manager Service

  • Print License Monitoring Service

  • Print Machine Manager

  • Print ORS Service

  • Print Import Service

  • Print Export Service

  • JDF Framework

  • Print JDF Service

  • Print Prepare Manager Service

  • Print Uniflow Interface Service

  • Print CSVLog Service (disabled)

  • PRISMAprepare ORS service

  • Print Automatic Processing Service

  • Print Job Data Dispatcher

  • Print Monitoring Service

  • Print CleanUp Service

  • Print Cost Manager Service

  • Print License Monitoring Service

  • Print Machine Manager

  • Print ORS Service

  • Print Synchronization Service (on remote web server only)

  • Print Bootstrap Service

  • PRISMAprepare ORS service