
Automatic process settings

Conversion to PDF

PRISMAdirect can automatically convert non-PDF files into PDF files when you integrate Neevia Document Converter Pro into PRISMAdirect. You have to purchase and install Neevia Document Converter Pro, then you have to configure PRISMAdirect. You can install Neevia on:

  • The PRISMAdirect server

    Neevia converts any non-PDF files in orders created by the operator. When the web server runs on the server, then Neevia also converts any non-PDF files in orders submitted by the customers.

  • Each remote web server where you want to use automatic conversion

    Neevia converts any non-PDF files in orders submitted by the customers.

Merge PDF files

The automatic merge service merges two or more PDF files into one PDF file. For example, two or more PDF files are automatically merged when you view a job with multiple PDF files.

Preflight operation

A preflight operation is a quality check of your document.

The setting [Preflight processes:] is part of the procedure to configure the preflight workflow. For the complete procedure, see Configure the preflight workflow.

Configure the automatic processes

  1. Click [System] - [Services settings] - [Automatic process].

  2. [Enable automatic conversion].

    PRISMAdirect can automatically convert non-PDF files into PDF files when you integrate Neevia Document Converter Pro into PRISMAdirect.

    1. Select HotfolderConverter from the drop-down list. The HotfolderConverter represents Neevia Document Converter Pro.

    2. Define the hot folders for Neevia Document Converter Pro.

      Enable option [Detect folders of the conversion application] to use the default hot folders of Neevia. Or you can type the paths of the hot folders in the text fields.

      • [Input folder:]: The converter receives the files for conversion via this input folder.

      • [Output folder:]: The converter places the converted files in this output folder.

      • [Error folder:]: The converter places the files that cannot be converted automatically in this error folder.

  3. Select a merge application from the drop-down list.

    The automatic merge service merges two or more PDF files into one PDF file. For example, two or more PDF files are automatically merged when you view a job with multiple PDF files.

    Select a merge application from the drop-down list:

    • PDFNetMerge

      PDFNetMerge is the default merge application. It is always available to you.

      Disadvantage of PDFNetMerge: any bookmarks are lost after merging.

    • AcrobatMerge


      Acrobat Professional must be installed on the [Web server] when you want to use AcrobatMerge.

  4. Set the number of preflight processes.

    It is recommended that you define the same number of preflight processes as you have web shops for which option [Enable automatic preflight] is enabled.

    The number of processes can impact the performance of the application.

  5. Click [Save].

Trace level

Set the trace level for the automatic process settings:

  • [Debug]

    The [Debug] trace level provides the most detailed log information. The [Debug] trace level can impact the performance of the application.

  • [Error]

    The errors are logged.

  • [Info]

    The errors and information messages are logged