
Print a job from a USB device

When the USB port is available for printing jobs, you can copy print files from a USB device to the list of waiting jobs. It is also possible to print the files directly.

The USB button
  1. Insert the USB device into the USB port at the left-hand side of the control panel.

  2. Touch [Jobs]  → [USB].

  3. Navigate to the print jobs and select one or more.

  4. Select the required option:

    • Touch [Print] to copy the jobs to the list of [Scheduled jobs].

      If accounting is enabled, the jobs are sent to the list of waiting jobs. Here you must open the job and first enter the accounting ID before you can print.

    • Touch [Save] to copy the jobs to the list of [Waiting jobs] or to a DocBox folder.

  5. Touch the eject button and remove the USB device.