
Introducing Océ Express WebTools

Océ Express WebTools is an application that runs embedded on the Océ ColorWave 9000 controller.

The main purpose of Océ Express WebTools is to define the default settings to fine-tune the system to optimally fit your company's workflow and processes. The job settings that you define in the 'Jobs' menu of the user panel, in a printer driver (for example the Océ PostScript 3 Driver) or in a job submission tool (for example Océ Publisher Express and Océ Publisher Select) always overrule the settings defined in Océ Express WebTools.

To access Océ Express WebTools enter the IP-address of the Océ ColorWave 9000 printer in the web browser of a workstation that is connected to the network.

The settings are functionally grouped and accessible via the following tabs.




The [Jobs] tab

Allows you to submit print jobs with the built-in Océ Publisher Express, and to control your jobs in the Smart Inbox section.


The [Preferences] tab

Allows you to define the default settings to fine-tune the system to optimally fit your company's workflow and processes.


The [Media] tab

Define the media types and sizes that can be used on the printer.


The [Security] tab

Allows you to define the permissions for Service ([Allow software re-installation from USB] and [Allow an update or patch installation by Service] ).


The [Support] tab

Activate new licenses, configure Océ Remote Service, collect data for diagnostics purposes, and get an overview of the ink and media usage.


The [System] tab

Get an overview of the status of your print system and the availability of media and ink.