In PRISMAdirect, you can use the values of LDAP attributes in a VDP document. Firstly, you have to map the LDAP attributes to profile settings and/or job ticket items. Then you can use the profile settings and/or job ticket items in a VDP document. Now, the values of the LDAP attributes are used as variable data in the VDP document. The mapped LDAP attributes are especially useful for creating business cards.
This topic is valid when you use PRISMAdirect in combination with PRISMAprepare or the VDP Editor.
Go to the [Configuration] workspace of PRISMAdirect.
Click [System] - [Connectivity] - [LDAP server] - [LDAP servers].
Select an LDAP server and click [Edit].
Map the LDAP attributes to profile settings and/or job ticket items.
Click [Save].
Create a new VDP document:
Open a PDF file.
Add one or more text frames to the PDF file. Inside the text frames, you can type the field names that you want to use. The field names must use the exact spelling of the profile settings and/or the job ticket items as defined in PRISMAdirect. You have to enclose each field name with the "<" and ">" signs, for example, <TelephoneNumber>.
Alternatively, you can create an Excel sheet where you use the profile settings and/or job ticket items as column headers. Add the Excel sheet as data source. Click [Insert field]. Now, you can select the profile settings and/or job ticket items from a drop-down list.
Save the created VDP document.
Create a new VDP product in the [Product and order editor]:
Click [New product] and select the product type, e.g., [Business cards].
Click the pane [Detailed product settings].
Add the new VDP document in section [File].
Select the [Manual input] option.
Configure the new product as required and click [Save].
Add the new VDP product to the product catalogue of the web shop.
The customer creates an order using the new VDP product. All manual input fields are shown to the customer. Where possible, the input fields use the values of the mapped LDAP attributes. Any additional fields remain empty. The customer can manually type a value for the empty fields, e.g., the mobile phone number.