
Define the settings of an automated workflow


It is not mandatory to define all the settings. When you put a check mark in front of a setting, that setting and its values become enabled.

[General] settings


[Queue name]

You can enter a distinguishing name for the automated workflow (maximum 25 characters). This name is also used as a label on the control panel. This helps the operator to identify certain jobs on the control panel. In this way, the operator can identify from which LPR queue or workflow the job has arrived. Different LPR queues can have the same label if the operator chooses to do so. In that case, the operator cannot distinguish from which specific queue a job has arrived. The LPR queue name is not displayed on the control panel.


You can enter a description of maximum 200 characters.

[Overrule job ticket]

When this settings is enabled, then the settings of the automated workflow will be used.

When this setting is disabled, then the settings of the job ticket will be used.

[Note for operator]

You can create a note, for example a print or finishing instruction, for the operator.

[Number of sets]

You can indicate how many sets of a job must be printed.


You can indicate whether the jobs must be sorted [By Set] or [By Page].

[Variable data job (pages per record)]

Use this function to indicate that the job is a variable data job. Enter the number of pages that composes a record.

[Media] settings



You can enter the media that must be used.

[Fit to media size]

You can indicate whether every page must be scaled to the media size.

[Layout] settings


[Print sides]

You can indicate whether the jobs must be printed one-sided or two-sided.


You can indicate whether the prints must be [Portrait] or [Landscape].

[Rotate 180 degrees]

You can indicate that the prints must be rotated 180 degrees.


You can indicate the orientation of page images on opposite sides of a sheet.

When [Tumble] is set to [Yes], the two pages are oriented in such a way that the binding is at the top or bottom. The image is rotated 180 degrees on alternate pages. Both sides of the page are printed. However, the position of the image is reversed (from top to bottom) on every other page.

When [Tumble] is set to [No], the binding is at the left or right. The images are not rotated on alternate pages.


[Tumble] is only possible when the setting [Print sides] is set to [2-sided].


You can select the required imposition.

[Impositioning size]

You can select the size of the imposition in case the media are unknown.

[Margin shift]

You can indicate the margin shift of the front side and the back side in two directions. Enter '0' to indicate that there is not shift required.

[Image shift]

You can indicate the image shift of the front side and the back side in two directions. Enter '0' to indicate that there is not shift required.


You can select [Custom] only when your printer has the Advanced Impose licence installed.

If [Impositioning] is set to [Same-up custom], the following settings become available:

[Cut and stack]

You can indicate if you want to cut and stack the sheets.

[Cut and stack process]

You can select how you want to stack the sheets.

[First stacking direction]

You can select the first stacking direction.

[Second stacking direction]

You can select the second stacking direction.


You can select the number of columns.


You can select the number of rows.

[Auto spacing]

You can indicate if you want to use the automatic gutter spacing option. The automatic gutter spacing option sizes gutters so that the document's pages fill the entire available space in the layout. The [Auto spacing] setting becomes available only if [Print trim marks] is selected.

[Column spacing (mm)]

You can define the distance between columns.

[Row spacing (mm)]

You can define the distance between rows.

[Column selection]

You can select specific columns.

[Column rotation]

You can select how you want to rotate the column(s) that you selected.

[Row selection]

You can select specific rows.

[Row rotation]

You can select how you want to rotate the row(s) that you selected.

[Special pages] settings


[Front or booklet cover]

You can indicate which media must be used for the front covers or booklet covers.

[Printing on front cover]

You can indicate which sides of the front cover must be printed.

[Back cover]

You can indicate which media must be used for the back covers.

[Printing on back cover]

You can indicate which sides of the back cover must be printed.

[Perfect binding]

You can indicate where the binding must be done, for example [Left binding] or [Right binding]

[Finishing] settings



You can indicate where the prints must be stapled, for example [Top left] or [Top right].

[Output tray]

You can indicate where the jobs are sent, for example to the stacker.

[Sheet order]

You can indicate the order in which the sheets will be delivered, for example [Face down - Normal order].

[Feed edge]

You can indicate whether the sheets will be fed [Long edge] or [Short edge].

[Header orientation]

You can indicate whether the header of the sheets must be [Header up] or [Header down].

[Offset stacking]

You can indicate whether each next job or set must be stacked with an offset compared to the previous job or set.

[Offset after N sets]

You can indicate the number of sets that will be shifted together.


You can indicate how many punch holes are required.


You can indicate the required folding method.

[Fold side]

You can indicate the side that must be folded.


You can indicate how the media must be trimmed.

[Print trim marks]

You can indicate if you want to print trim marks.

[Width ({0})]

You can indicate the width that must be trimmed.

[Height: ({0})]

You can indicate the height that must be trimmed.


You can select [Same-up custom] only when your printer has the Advanced Impose licence installed.

If [Impositioning] is set to [Same-up custom], [Trimming] to [Print trim marks] and [Size] to [Finishing size], the following settings become available:

[Horizontal trim shift: ({0})]

You can shift the trim marks horizontally.

[Vertical trim shift: ({0})]

You can shift the trim marks vertically.

[Horizontal alignment]

You can indicate if the trim marks need to be aligned horizontally.

[Vertical alignment]

You can indicate if the trim marks need to be aligned vertically.

[Print quality] settings


[Contrast adjustment]

You can indicate the contrast of the print.

[Brightness adjustment]

You can indicate whether the print must be darker or lighter.


You can indicate whether the job must be printed on [1200 x 1200 dpi] or [600 x 2400 dpi].


You can indicate whether the job must be printed [Line 200 LPI], [Dot 200 LPI] or [Dot 125 LPI].


You can indicate whether [Fattening] must be on or off.

[Minimum line width]

You can indicate whether the minimum line width must be maintained, or thinner lines can be printed.

[Enhanced colour rendering]

You can indicate whether the [Enhanced colour rendering] must be on or off.

[Workflow] settings


[Job destination]

You can indicate the list to which the job must be sent. For the varioPRINT 6000 series, you can select [Waiting jobs], [Scheduled jobs] or [DocBox jobs] (optional).

[DocBox name]

You can indicate the name of the DocBox to which the jobs must be sent.

[Printing workflow]

You can indicate the type of workflow for the jobs. You can select [Receive then print while RIP] or [Streaming].

[PDL type]

You can indicate whether PostScript®, PCL, PDF or XPS must be used as page description language.

[Banner pages for print jobs]

Indicate if a banner page is used.

[Trailer pages for print jobs]

Indicate if a trailer pages is used.

[Media of banner/trailer page]

Select the media of the banner and trailer page.

[Separator sheets for print jobs]

[Separator sheets separate job sets. Separator sheets are not printed. A separator sheet is added after one or multiple (N) sets.]

[Separator sheet after N sets]

[Indicate after how many sets you want to include a separator sheet in the stack. N represents the number of sets.]

[Media of separator sheets]

Select the media of the separator sheets.

[PDF XObject optimisation]

[Select whether XObjects are cached per document or re-interpreted per page. 'Automatic': only the XObjects of PDF-VT documents are cached. 'Yes': the XObjects of all PDF documents are cached. 'No': all XObjects are re-interpreted per page.]

[PDF to PostScript conversion]

[Indicate if you want to convert PDF to PostScript instead of only using the native PDF RIP, which is the default setting value.]

[Print range] settings


[First page of print range]

When you want to print a part of the document, enter the first page number of the print range. When you do not enter the last page, the range ends at the last document page.

[Last page of the print range]

When you want to print a part of the document, enter the last page number of the print range. When you do not enter the fist page, the range begins at the first document page.

[First record of the print range]

When you want to print a part of the document of a variable data job, enter the last page number of the print range. When you do not enter the last record, the range ends at the last record.

[Last record of print range]

When you want to print a part of the document a variable data job, enter the last page number of the print range. When you do not enter the fist record, the range begins at the first record.

[Accounting] settings


[Account ID]

You can indicate the account number of the customer that will be used for accounting purposes.

[Cost center]

[Cost center can be a maximum of 40 characters long.]


[Custom can be a maximum of 255 characters long.]

[Page numbering] settings


[Use page numbers]

You can indicate whether or not you want to print a page number on each page of a PDF print job.

[Start with page number]

You can indicate with which number the page numbering starts.


You can indicate the position of the page number on the page.

[Text before page number]

You can indicate the text that is printed before the page number.

[Text after page number]

You can indicate the text that is printed after the page number.

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