This TRM describes software version 5.2 of the PRISMAsync Print Server for the imagePRESS C800 Series.
The edition of this TRM is 2017-07. See Change history for the updates in this edition.
The Technical Reference Manual provides information about the behaviour and programming of the PRISMAsync Print Server used by the imagePRESS C800 Series.
The target group for the TRM are the Administrators and Application Developers of imagePRESS C800 Series.
The TRM is not the user manual of the imagePRESS C800 Series nor the administration manual of its Settings Editor.
TRM imagePRESS C800 Series v5.2
to open the printable version of the Technical Reference Manual.
The imagePRESS C800 Series consists of:
Canon imagePRESS C600 / C700 / C800