
Configure the general settings

Configure the general settings for the operator and the order manager of the [Order processing] workspace.

  1. Click [Order processing] - [General settings] - [General settings].

  2. You can configure the following settings:

    • [Allow the operator to change the files of jobs]

      Enable this option to allow the operator to change the files of submitted jobs.

      When this option is enabled, the operator can:

      • A product can contain a fixed document. The operator can remove the fixed document and can add other files to the job.

      • A product can contain a fixed VDP document. The operator can remove the fixed VDP document and can add other files to the job.

      • Add or remove files from the jobs.

      • Edit a non-PDF file.

      The customers must be confident that the files are printed exactly as these were submitted. When you enable this option, it is no longer guaranteed that the submitted files remain unchanged before the job is printed.

    • [Allow the order manager to change the orders]

      Enable this option to allow the order manager to change the submitted orders. The order manager can add or remove jobs from the orders.

      The order manager should change an order only after a request from the customer.

    • [Always add the OrderID to the email subject]

      It is recommended to add the OrderID to the subject of each email which is sent from the application. Add the OrderID for easy identification of the job.

      This setting is part of the following procedure: Integrate Office 365 and Microsoft Outlook with PRISMAdirect.

    • [Overview of warnings]

      It is recommended that the operator solves any warning(s) before the operator submits the order. When you enable this option, the operator can open the overview of warnings in the [Order processing].

      The order is checked for warnings before the order is submitted.

    • [Allow the order manager to assign jobs from imported orders to operators]

      Imported orders can contain multiple jobs. Enable this option to allow the order manager to assign the jobs to different operators.

    • [Get notifications when a new order is received]

      The operator and the order manager get notifications when a new order is received. The notifications are

      • A ringing sound, and

      • The browser tab displays the number of new orders.

    • [Current job number]

      This option contains the job number of the last job. You can define any job number with a maximum value of 999999999.

      The next submitted or imported job receives job number: [Current job number] + 1.

    • [Current order number:]

      This option contains the number of the last order. You can define any number with a maximum value of 999999999.

      The next submitted or imported order receives order number: [Current order number:] + 1.

  3. Click [Save].

Trace level

Set the trace level for the [Order processing] workspace:

  • [Debug]

    The [Debug] trace level provides the most detailed log information.

    The [Debug] trace level can impact the performance of the application.

  • [Error]

    The errors are logged.

  • [Info]

    The errors and information messages are logged