
Configure the email workflow


This topic describes the complete configuration of the email workflow.

You have to configure the email settings in the [Configuration] workspace:

  1. Configure the SMTP server of the print room and the email settings

  2. Create default email messages

    You can create default email messages for the customers, approvers, etc. The emails can be sent at various stages while processing an order. Emails can also be sent at certain stages of a workflow, for example, budget control.

  3. Allow the operator to attach additional files to email messages

  4. Allow the operator to edit the email messages before sending them

    You also have to configure if email messages are sent to the customers, approvers, etc.

Configure the SMTP server of the print room and the email settings

  1. Click [System] - [Connectivity] - [Email settings].

  2. Type the email address of the print room.

    When you type a different email address for a web shop, then this email address is overwritten. See: [Web shop] - <web shop> - [Contact information] - [Contact information].

  3. Type the name that will be used in the 'From' field of the email message. For example: 'Print room'.

  4. Type any Cc addresses. You can enter multiple email addresses, separated with a semicolon (;).

  5. The operator can add or remove email addresses from the 'Cc' field when you enable option [Allow the operator to add Cc addresses].

  6. Configure the SMTP server.

    1. Type the address and the port number of your email server. The default port number for SMTP is 25.

      Ask your IT department for details.

    2. Click button [Test connection] to test the connection to the email server.

    Configure the SMTP authentication.

    1. [Enable SSL]

      Select this option if you want to create a secure SMTP connection. You have to update the port number. The default port number for an SMTP connection secured by SSL is 587.

      Ask your IT department for details.

    2. You can allow self-signed certificates for the secure connection.

      SMTP server can treat self-signed certificates the same as a certificate issued by an untrusted CA. Depending on their policy, they may drop the connection or decide to transmit emails anyways.

    3. Configure the authentication of the sender.

      The value for this option depends on how the client has configured the SMTP server.




      Select this value if no authentication is required for your SMTP server.

      [Custom authentication]

      Some SMTP servers require that the sender is authenticated. Type a valid PRISMAdirect user and its password.

      You can use the [Test connection] button to check the entered credentials.

  7. It is recommended that you send a test email to check your configuration of the SMTP server.

  8. Click [Save].

Create default email messages

  1. Click [Order processing] - [Workflow configuration] - [Email templates].

  2. Select the email template that you want to configure.

  3. Click a language to configure the email message in that language. The available languages are displayed just above the subject field. The available languages are equal to the active languages for PRISMAdirect. See: [System] - [Active languages for system].

  4. Create the email message.

    • Type the text. Use the icons to use different font types, font color, text alignment, etc.

    • You can add images, for example, your company logo.

    • You can use the order items and product items as variables. Drag and drop the variable into the message at the desired position. A variable is enclosed by '%' symbols. You can also type fixed text in the label.

      You can use the product items only for jobs. Drag and drop the layout item [Job information (per job)] into the email message to create a job specific text box.

    • You can include a hyperlink to the order in your email. Drag and drop [Hyperlink to order] into the message. When the customer clicks the hyperlink, a web page opens that contains the concerning order.

    Click [Revert to default] to use the default email message again. Your changes will be discarded.

  5. You can configure which files are automatically attached to the email message.

    • Select option [Attach the document] to attach the final PDF document to the email message.

    • Select the [Attach the tickets] option to attach the job ticket to the email message.

    • Select the [Attach the preflight report] option to attach the preflight report to the email message.

    The operator can attach additional files to an email message when the [Allow operator to attach files when sending email] option is enabled. See procedure Configure the email workflow.

  6. Click [Preview email] to check your email message.

  7. Click [Save].

  8. Repeat these steps for all email templates.

Allow the operator to attach additional files to email messages

  1. Click [Order processing] - [Workflow configuration] - [General settings] - [Other settings].

  2. [Allow operator to attach files when sending email]

    You can define the email templates in section [Email templates]. In that section, you can define which files will be attached to the emails by default. When you enable this option, the operator is allowed to attach additional files to the email messages to the customer.

  3. Click [Save].

Allow the operator to edit the email messages before sending them

  1. Click [Order processing] - [Workflow configuration] - [General settings].

  2. Select one of the order state changes that trigger sending an email, for example, Order accepted.

    The emails can be sent at various stages while processing an order. Emails can also be sent at certain stages of a workflow, for example, Price approval of the budget management workflow.

  3. Enable option [Send email] when you want to send an email when the order changes into the concerning state. You can select several options for sending an email:

    • [Always]

      The email message for the concerning order state change is always send to the customer.

    • [When requested by customer]

      The email message for the concerning order state change is only sent to the customer when the customer has requested this.

    • [Send an email to the customer]

      The email message for the concerning order state change is always send to the customer.

    • [Send an email to the operators]

      The email message for the concerning order state change is always send to the operator.

  4. [Allow to edit the email message before sending]

    Default email messages have been created for the order state changes that trigger sending an email. When you enable this option:

    • At a particular order state change, the concerning default email message opens.

    • The operator can change the email message.

    • The operator has to manually send the email message.

    When you disable this option, any default email message is sent automatically.

    Most, but not all, triggers contain option [Allow to edit the email message before sending].

  5. Click [Save].