After checking nozzle performance and determining that automatic printhead maintenance is necessary, perform the following procedure.
In most cases a non-working nozzle is temporary and should be resolved through the Standard AMS procedure. Many times a nozzle will recover on its own during printing. If a nozzle does not recover through standard AMS practices it may be necessary to recover the nozzle by swabbing (see the next section). If swabbing does not recover a nozzle you can return here and try a Long AMS. However, the purpose of the Long AMS is to push out any air bubbles that have accumulated in the ink reservoir. The Long AMS is a 10 second purge while the Standard is 3 seconds.
The No purge option is for the White channel only. It can be used when there is difficulty in recovering white nozzles. It works by only using the AMS vacuum to suck ink from the nozzles but does not push ink through from the reservoir as the regular AMS does.