
Solve problems with job storage

By default, when print jobs are sent to the printer and the [Keep completed jobs in the Smart Inbox] setting is enabled, the rasterized files are kept in the system. Due to this print jobs can be reprinted easily without ripping the files again. When too many jobs are kept in the system the user panel displays one of the following messages.

  • [Set memory full.]

  • [Print job memory full.]

To solve job storage problems you can manually remove jobs from the Smart Inbox. Additionally, in case of the error [Set memory full.], you can decide not to keep the rasterized files in the system.


When you do not keep the rasterized files in the system print jobs that you want to reprint need to be ripped again. This takes more time.


  1. Open the [Preferences] - [System defaults] tab.
  2. Click [Edit] in the [Job management] section, or click on the [Keep rasterized files in the system] setting.
  3. Select [No].
  4. Click [Ok] to confirm.