
Add or edit a user group

You have to configure each web shop separately in workspace [Web shop]. In this dialogue, you can customise a number of web shops settings for each user group. The custom settings overrule the web shop settings for this user group. The custom settings are used in all web shops for this user group.

  1. Click [User management] - [User groups] - [User group settings].

  2. Click the plus icon to add a user group. A new user group is created.

    Click the pencil icon to edit the user group.

  3. Define the user group name. The name must be unique.

    The following characters are not allowed in a user group name: @";:<>|?/\*[],=+

    The [User group name] cannot be changed when you edit the user group.

  4. Define the [Role] of the users in the group.

    • [Services]

      The users in the [Services] group have the highest rights. These users can access:

      • [Order processing]. Both the [Order view] and the [Job view].

      • [Product & order editor]

      • [Web shop editor]

      • [Theme editor]

      • [Configuration]

      • [Reporting]

      • Web shops

    • [Order managers]

      The users in the [Order managers] group can access:

      • [Order processing]. Both the [Order view] and the [Job view].

      • [Product & order editor]

    • [Operators]

      The users in the [Operators] group can access the [Job view] of the [Order processing].

    • [Customers]

      The users in the [Customers] group can access the web shops.

  5. You can customise a number of web shops settings for each user group.

    • [Allowed file types]

      • Web shop

        Use the settings for [Allowed file types] as defined in dialogue [Submission] in [Web shop].

      • Custom

        Use custom settings for [Allowed file types] for this user group. The custom settings overrule the web shop settings for this user group. The custom settings are used in all web shops for this user group.

    • [Price estimation]

      • Web shop

        The user group uses the price estimation settings as defined for each web shop.

      • Custom

        You can define custom price estimation settings for each web shop for the concerning user group.




        • [Yes]

          The option [Price estimation] is available in the web shop. A customer is always presented with an estimation of the job cost.

        • [No]

          The option [Price estimation] is not available in the web shop. A customer is never presented with an estimation of the job cost.

        • [Always]

          A customer is always presented with an estimation of the job cost. The customer cannot submit the job until the cost of the job is estimated.

        [Select formulas]

        Drag and drop the available formulas to the active formulas. Do this for both the jobs and the orders.

      The setting [Price estimation] is part of the price estimation workflow. For the complete procedure, see Configure the price estimation workflow.


      In the [Product & order editor], the system administrator can select a price estimation formula for each product. The formulas in the product overrule the formulas assigned to the user group in this dialogue.

    • [Quotation]

      • Web shop

        The user group uses the quotation settings as defined for each web shop.

      • Custom

        You can define custom quotation settings for each web shop for the concerning user group.




        • [Yes]

          Option [Quotation] is available in the web shop. A customer can request a quotation.

        • [No]

          Option [Quotation] is not available in the web shop. A customer cannot request a quotation.

        • [Always]

          A customer is always presented with a quotation. The customer cannot disable the request to calculate a quotation.

        [Price can be accepted on behalf of the customer]

        Enable this option to allow the operator to accept the quotation on behalf of the customer.

        Disable this option to force the customer to accept or reject the quotation.

        [An order can be printed only after the price is calculated]

        Enable this option to force the operator to always calculate the quotation. The quotation must be calculated for a correct budget control.

        [Formula for job:]

        You have to select a formula to calculate the quotations of the jobs.

        [Formula for order:]

        You have to select a formula to calculate the quotations of the orders.

      The setting [Quotation] is part of the price estimation workflow. For the complete procedure, see Configure the quotation workflow.


      In the [Product & order editor], the system administrator can select a quotation formula for each product. The formulas in the product overrule the formulas assigned to the user group in this dialogue.

    • [Copyright administration]

      • Web shop

        Use the settings for [Copyright administration] as defined in dialogue [Submission] in [Web shop].

      • Custom

        Use custom settings for [Copyright administration] for this user group. The custom settings overrule the web shop settings for this user group. The custom settings are used in all web shops for this user group.

    • [Allow the customer to change the language]

      • Web shop

        The user group uses the value of setting [Allow the customer to change the language] as defined for the web shop.

      • Custom = Yes

        Customers that are part of the concerning user group are allowed to change the language of each web shop. More than one language must be active, see procedure Configure the languages.

      • Custom = No

        Customers that are part of the concerning user group are not allowed to change the language of each web shop.

    • [Custom columns]

      • Web shop

        Use the settings for [Custom columns] as defined in dialogue [Custom columns] for jobs and orders in [Web shop].

      • Custom

        Use custom settings for [Custom columns] for this user group. The custom settings overrule the web shop settings for this user group. The custom settings are used in all web shops for this user group.

    • [Enable 'Download' page]

      • Web shop

        Use the settings for [Enable 'Download' page] as defined in dialogue [Layout] in [Web shop].

      • Custom

        Use custom settings for [Enable 'Download' page] for this user group. The custom settings overrule the web shop settings for this user group. The custom settings are used in all web shops for this user group.

    • [File hosting service]

      • Global settings

        The user group uses the settings of the file hosting services as defined for PRISMAdirect.

      • Custom = Yes

        File hosting services are enabled for each web shop for the concerning user group. The file hosting services must be configured, see procedure Configure the file hosting services, for example, Dropbox.

      • Custom = No

        File hosting services are disabled for each web shop for the concerning user group.

    • [Enable payment]

      • Web shop

        The user group uses the value of setting [Enable payment] as defined for the web shop.

      • Custom = Yes

        Payment is enabled for each web shop for the concerning user group. The payment providers must be configured, see procedure Configure the payment workflow.

      • Custom = No

        Payment is disabled for each web shop for the concerning user group.

    • [Enable shipping]

      • Web shop

        The user group uses the value of setting [Enable shipping] as defined for the web shop.

      • Custom = Yes

        Shipping is enabled for each web shop for the concerning user group. The shipping providers must be configured, see procedure Configure the shipping workflow.

      • Custom = No

        Shipping is disabled for each web shop for the concerning user group.

    • [Enable automatic preflight]

      • Web shop

        The user group uses the value of setting [Enable automatic preflight] as defined for the web shop.

      • Custom = Yes

        Automatic preflight is enabled for each web shop for the concerning user group. You have to configure the preflight rules, see procedure Configure the preflight workflow.

      • Custom = No

        Automatic preflight is disabled for each web shop for the concerning user group.

  6. Click [Save].