
Use job tickets settings in document

You can use the values of the job ticket items in document attributes. The document attributes are used when you page programme the document.

You can use job ticket items of type: [Choice], [Yes/No], [Text] and [Number].


You can use the job ticket settings only if the document is not already page programmed.

Map the job ticket items

  1. Click [Order processing] - [Ticket mappings] - [Job ticket items in document].

  2. Select a [Job ticket item].

    The possible values for this [Job ticket item] and the [Document attributes] are displayed.

  3. Select one of the values and select the corresponding document attribute.

    You can map one job ticket item per document attribute.

  4. Repeat above steps for each job ticket item that you want to use in the document attributes.

  5. Click [Save].