
Save a job during job edition


When you are creating or editing a job, you can choose to save the job and print it later.


  1. Create a job.

    For more information, see Create a job.

  2. Click on the blue save button, to save the job.

    The [Save options] window opens.

  3. Optionally, fill the [Notes] field.
  4. In the [Save mode] section, choose:
    • [Store a link to the documents] to include only a link to the documents in the .ojz. file.

    • [Store a copy of the documents] to include the document files in the .ojz file.

  5. Click [OK] to continue.

    The save window opens.

  6. Browse to the destination folder.
  7. Fill in a name for the file, or keep the default file name.
  8. Click on [Save]. The [Name].ojz file is created.


Once you have saved a job, you can load it later on. For more information, see Load a job.