
Set the copy job default settings

In Océ Express WebTools you can configure the default values for the copy job settings.

The copy job settings are grouped under the [Preferences] - [Copy job defaults] tab. You can find a short explanation of the General copy job settings below. Under the copy job default settings, you can also make settings for the copy presets that are visible on the user panel. For more information on the copy presets, see Set the default copy preset.

Overview of the [Copy job defaults] - [General copy job settings]

Open the [Preferences] - [Copy job defaults] settings tab. Click edit in the upper right hand corner of the [General copy job settings].



[Media selection policy]

  • Select [Next larger], to continue printing with a larger size media.

  • Select [Exact size], to only continue printing when the specified media size is available.

[Start value for ### in the copy job name]

Fill in the number that replaces the # hashes in the name of copy files. The number increases.

[File name for copy to Smart Inbox]

Fill in the copy filename used to save the copy in the Smart Inbox. When the copy file name contains one or more # hashes, the # hashes are replaced by ascending numbers.