
Media Registration Options






Automatic media registration via the control panel.

See Media-Specific Registration.

Control panel

Specific media

Media registration is not optimal.

Manual media registration.

Only needed in incidental cases.

The manual media registration can be done via the control panel (see Via the Control Panel) and via the Settings Editor.

The manual media registration via the control panel is preferred because you can print the verification chart immediately after you changed a setting. Both procedures have the same result.

Control panel (preferred)

Settings Editor

Specific media

Only when the media registration is not optimal after you performed the automatic media registration via the control panel.

Or when the media is 1-sided media, because the automatic media registration prints a 2-sided registration print. Examples of 1-sided media are tab sheets and transparency media with paper backing.

If the printer is not warmed up, the media registration starts by warming up the printer.

After you performed one of the media registration options, you can print a verification chart to verify the media registration adjustment. See Print the Verification Chart for Media Registration.

It can occur that the media registration for a media is correct but the image overlaps some preprinted parts of the media. You must shift the image for that specific preprinted media (see Corrections for Preprinted Media).