
Manage the media catalog

The print system uses a central media catalog from where you can select media for jobs. () The media catalog can be managed with the Settings Editor. When media management via the control panel is enabled, you can also manage the media catalog on the control panel. (Configure the media catalog)

Media management on the control panel

Open the media catalog

Touch [System]  → [Media] to open the media catalog.

Organise the media catalog



Search media

Use filters (1) to search for media with a specific size, type, weight, or name.

Arrange media

Click a media attribute (2) to change the order, according to the attribute.

Manage the media catalog



Edit media

You can change the name, size, type, or media family of the media. (3)

Delete media

You can remove media which you do not need. (4)

Add media to catalog

You can add temporary media to the media catalog (5). (Add temporary media to the media catalog)

Copy media

Use the copy function (6) to create new media, based on existing media.