
Test the formulas

You can test the formulas that you have created. You just have to upload an order to test a formula.

Before you begin

There are two ways to test each formula:

  1. You create specific orders for each formula. You use these orders in this dialogue. The system applies a formula based on the data inside the order. You can see which formula was applied in the detailed test result.

  2. You can also assign the formula that you want to test directly to a product or to a web shop. You have to create specific orders to test the formula. See Configure the default price estimation settings per web shop and Configure the default quotation settings per web shop

Test the formula

  1. Click [Price and formula editor] - [Formulas] - [Test formula].

  2. Click [Use exported order].

  3. Browse to the zip file that contains one order.

    You can create a zip file containing one order in the [Order processing]. Select one order in the [Order processing] and click [Export orders].

  4. The formula is tested. The detailed test result of the formula is displayed.