
Configure a mail server for password recovery


When you have forgotten your System administrator password you can recover it, but only when you have configured an email server first.

About this task

Make sure you configure the mail server as soon as possible, otherwise you cannot recover your password.

Before you begin

Make sure you collect the following information before you begin. If you do not have the information, ask your IT administrator.

  • Hostname of the mail server

  • The port used for the mail server

  • Type of mail server connection: secured or not

  • In case of a secured connection: the username and password

  • The email address you want to use to receive the password recovery link

  • If necessary, change the mail server port number (default 25)


  1. Open the settings editor.
  2. Click on [Configuration][Connectivity].
  3. Click on [Edit] in the [Mail server] header.

    A window opens.

  4. Under [Hostname / IP address of mail server] fill in the hostname or IP address of the mail server.
  5. Under [Port] you can change the port, generally TCP 25 for SMTP protocol.
  6. Under [Connection with mail server] select the type of connection.

    If you do not know the type of connection, ask your IT administrator.


    It is strongly advised to secure the communication between the controller and the mail server, in order to avoid anyone to intercept the password recovery email.

  7. In case of a secure connection, fill in the username under [Username].

    If you do not know the username, ask your IT administrator.

  8. In case of a secure connection, fill in the password under [Password].

    If you do not know the username, ask your IT administrator.

  9. Under [Sender] fill in the name that will be used in the "From" box in your email application.

    This is not your email address.

  10. Click on [Ok].
  11. Click on [Connection test].

    The result has to be [Ok] before you can continue to the email address configuration. When the result is not [Ok], check the error to troubleshoot. For more information, see Troubleshoot the mail server configuration.

  12. Click on [Configuration][Users] to configure the email address.
  13. Check the box in front of [System administrator] and click on the [Edit] icon above.

    A window opens.

  14. Fill in the [Email address] you want to use for password recovery.
  15. Click on [Start the test].
  16. Check that [Result of email test ] shows [Test successful].

    When the result is not successful, check the error to troubleshoot. If you cannot solve the problem, ask you IT administrator.

  17. Open the email in your email application and check if you have received a test email.

    The email is sent by 'noreply@<colorado_hostname>' or by the name filled in under [Sender].


When you have received the test email, you have configured the email server correctly and you can recover your System administrator password when necessary.