
SRA IPDS settings


The SRA IPDS settings can be defined in the Settings Editor.

  1. Open the Settings Editor.

  2. Click tab "Transaction printing".

  3. Click "Setups".

  4. Select one setup and click "Open".


    You must select only one setup at a time.

  5. Click "IPDS setup".

  6. Configure the SRA IPDS settings.

    See the table below for detailed information.

SRA IPDS settings

IPDS settings


Tray selection

Tray-to-tray, Tray-to-media (default)

Data resolution

Auto (default), 240, 300, 600

Default output destination

All available output locations.

Default: stack1.

If not present : stapler1

Offset stacking (job separation)

Enabled (default), disabled

Font capture

Enabled, disabled (default)

Extend logical page

0 (default) – 24000 mpt

Output recovery

Normal (default), Suppressed

Face orientation

Face up / face down / finisher default (default)

Z-fold mode


Only for configurations that require job-level notion of Z-folding. Z-folding is selectable on sheet-level.

Yes, No (default)

  • Data resolution

    This setting allows you to specify the resolution of the bitmaps that the printer accepts.

  • Font capture

    This setting allows you to specify if fonts can be captured from jobs that are sent to the printer for later reference. This setting also controls whether captured or installed fonts are selectable.

  • Extend logical page

    The logical page size is virtually extended with the entered number of millipoints. This makes it possible to print (slightly) larger page sizes to prevent that information cannot be printed on a page.

  • Output recovery

    When output recovery is suppressed, the printer does not check if the output is correct after a recovery. The host system and the operator are responsible for the recovery. This means that the operator must indicate at the host where printing needs to resume.

  • Face orientation

    With this setting, the default face orientation of the requested finisher can be overruled per setup.


Mpt = millipoints = 1/72000 inch.

IPDS image shift settings


Image shift in feed direction of side 1

Image shift in cross-feed direction of side 1

Image shift in feed direction of side 2

Image shift in cross-feed direction of side 2

0 mm is the default value.

Minimum: -4.2

Maximum: 4.2

Step: 0.1 mm

  • The image shift in feed direction is the margin of the front edge and the back edge of the sheet. The front edge and back edge are defined by the feed direction of the sheet. The image shift in cross-feed direction is the margin of the side edges of the sheet. Side 1 is the front of a sheet. Side 2 is the back of a sheet.

Colour management settings


Default CMYK input profile

For PDF and native IPDS data using DeviceCMYK. Input profile or “none”.

Default monochrome CMYK input profile

Input profile or “ibm” or “postscript”.

Default RGB input profile

For PDF and native IPDS data using DeviceRGB. Input profile or “none”.

Default monochrome RGB input profile

Input profile or “none” or “ibm” or “postscript”.

Rendering intent

Perceptual (default), Saturation, Absolute colorimetric, Relative colorimetric

Print full colour or B/W

Full colour (default), B/W

Ignore toner transfer curve from data steam

Yes (default), No

Ignore embedded output profile


PCL contains no embedded output profiles.

Yes (default), No

Black preservation

On (default), Off


Normal (default), Fine, Error diffusion

  • Rendering intent

    Use setting "Rendering intent" only when no render intent is defined in the data stream.

  • Halftone

    This setting defines the halftone pattern for text, graphics and images.

PDF specific settings


PDF “all” to black

Yes, No (default)

PDF enable cache

Yes, No (default)

PDF overprint simulation

Yes (default), No

  • PDF “all” to black

    With this setting, the APPE can be forced to rip the colour “all” to only 100% black, instead of 100% of each of the four colours.

  • PDF enable cache

    The APPE can use a caching mechanism to automatically identify and store ripped objects which are used more than once in the job. Usually this will improve the rip performance with PDF data. However, there are a few jobs which will run a bit slower with the caching mechanism. The user therefore has the choice through the setup if he wants to use the PDF cache or not.

  • PDF overprint simulation

    PDF overprint simulation can be enabled to ensure correct printing of overprinted areas. Colour management must be switched off to print overprints correctly. For example: set the input profile to none.

IPDS tray-to-tray mapping

Logical tray for <tray name>


For all supported physical input trays of the product type. Default values are specified in the tray-to-tray section.

1 – 16


Each logical tray must have a unique value.

IPDS tray to media for tray x

Media attributes

From media catalogue


Each media attribute must be unique.

Feed direction for media

SEF, LEF (default)

Colour names and numbers - (C, M, Y, K) colour station


Colour number

One number for each of the four stations (C, M, Y, K). Range 1..254.

Not valid for the K station. Zero is reserved for K station and is not editable.


Use for HLC.

Colour alias names

0..6 alpha-numerical names for all colour stations.


The names "Gray", "Cyan", "Magenta", "Yellow", "Black", "All", "None" are reserved for PDF and cannot be used.