In the [Support] section of the application, you can find information on the software and related licenses.
Click on [Support] in the top menu bar to open the [Support] section and find information on:
[About...], the Publisher Select 3 software version and the connected printer(s).
[Included licenses], the list of third party software applications used by Publisher Select 3 and the related licenses (in English).
[How-To videos], a direct link to a web collection of short explanatory videos.
To turn on subtitles when viewing a video, click the CC button in the player's bottom toolbar.
To choose the video quality when viewing a video, click the HD button in the player's bottom toolbar.
[Enable demo mode], to show Publisher Select 3 in demo mode. Only available when no printers are connected.
[Help], all information and procedures on how to use Publisher Select 3.