
Enable and configure the preflight rules for the [Order processing] console

A preflight operation is a quality check of your document.

The preflight operation checks if any rules are violated in the PDF file(s). The set of rules is fixed. Some of the rules can be configured. If enabled, the automatic preflight operation is applied when a customer submits an order. The automatic preflight operation allows you to fix the violations according to the configured rules or cancel the operation with that document. A preflight report and an annotated file are generated. The preflight report shows a summary of the problems that have been found. The annotated file shows the complete document with the location of any found problems and fixes. The manual preflight operation automatically fixes the violations according to the configured rules. Some problems are detected by the preflight operation, but cannot be fixed automatically. It is recommended that you fix these problems manually before you print the job.

Enable and configure the preflight rules for the [Order processing] console

The settings in this dialogue are part of the procedure to configure the preflight workflow. For the complete procedure, see Configure the preflight workflow.

  1. Click [Order processing] - [Preflight].

  2. Enable the rules that you want to use in column [Enabled].

  3. Click on the bar of the rule that you want to configure. If the bar expands, you can configure the rule. If the bar does not expand, you can only enable or disable the rule.

    You can configure some rules to detect and fix a violation. Other rules can only be configured to detect a violation. These violations can only be solved in the concerning PDF file by the customer or the operator.

  4. Define the [Severity] of each rule.

    • [Warning]

      A violation of the rule is detected. You can ignore the warning.

    • [Error]

      A violation of the rule is detected. The violation of the rule must be fixed.

  5. You can define a timeout.

    When the timeout value is exceeded, the preflight operation is cancelled.

  6. Click [Save].