
Create the formulas

Formulas for jobs and orders

You have to configure the prices for media, printing and finishing options. You can configure the prices for choice items that you want to use in formulas. When you have configured the prices, you can create formulas for jobs and for orders. You can create one or more constants. You can use the constants in the formulas. You can configure discounts for everyone or for specific user groups. You can use the discounts in combination with the formulas.

  • [Formulas for jobs]

    You create a formula by adding formula parts. By default, the first formula part for jobs is InitialCost.

    • InitialCost = ((prices for media * number of pages) + (prices for media * number of covers) + (prices for printing * number of pages) + prices for finishing) * number of copies

      The number of covers depends on the value of CoverPlace: 0 for none, 1 for front or back, 2 for front and back.

    A formula for jobs is applied to jobs. Each job contains one type of media.

  • [Formulas for orders]

    By default, TotalCost is available for formulas for orders. TotalCost can be used as a formula part. It is available in the list of [Variables] that you can use for an expression. Just drag TotalCost in field [Expression] and click [Save].

    • TotalCost = the total of the prices of all jobs of the order.

    A formula for orders is applied to orders. Each order can contain multiple jobs. Each job can use a different type of media than any other job in the order.

Formulas for shipping

The shipping formulas calculate the postage & packing. The shorter the delivery time, the higher the postage. You have to create the shipping formulas based on agreements with each shipping provider. Note that the actual postage is calculated when the operator clicks [Dispatch] in the [Order processing] workspace.

  • [Shipping formulas for orders]

    Create a formula for each delivery time that you offer to the customers. The customer can select a delivery time in the web shop. The calculated postage & packing is displayed to the customer. The calculated price is a contract between the customer and the web shop. You can create one or more shipping formulas for each web shop.

  1. Click [Price and formula editor] - [Formulas] and select:

    • [Formulas for jobs], or

    • [Formulas for orders], or

    • [Shipping formulas for orders]

  2. Click [Add].

  3. Define a name. The name must be unique.

    You can use the characters: 'a - z', 'A - Z', '0 - 9', '_' . Spaces are allowed.

  4. Click a language to type the caption in that language. The available languages are displayed just above the text field.

  5. Click [New part of formula].

    By default, the first formula part for jobs is InitialCost.

    1. Select the type of the formula part.

      • [Addition]

        The result of this formula part is added to the result of the previous formula part.

      • [Subtraction]

        The result of this formula part is subtracted from the result of the previous formula part.

      • [Exit]

        The result of this formula part will halt the execution of the formula. The calculated result until the exit statement is returned for the formula.

    2. Define a name. The name must be unique.

      You can use the characters: 'a - z', 'A - Z', '0 - 9', '_' . Spaces are allowed.

    3. Define the result of the formula part in field [Value].

      You can only use variables that return a numerical value. Drag the variables in the field [Value]. For more information concerning the variable types, see Variables of type "Choice".

    4. Select how you want to use the value of the formula part in option [Use expression as:].

      • [Value]

        The result of this formula part is added to or subtracted from the result of the previous formula part as a value.

      • [Percentage]

        The result of this formula part is added to or subtracted from the result of the previous formula part as a percentage.

    5. Create the condition for the expression in field [Condition:]. You can use all variables and operators in the condition. The value of this formula part is used when the condition is met. The value of this formula part is always used when you do not create a condition.

      For more information concerning the variable types, see Variables of type "Choice".

  6. You can repeat step 5 to add additional formula parts to the formula.

  7. You can drag each formula part to the correct position in [Parts of formula]. The formula parts are executed in the given order starting with the first formula part.

  8. Click [Save].

    The formula becomes available for the user groups, web shops and the products.

  9. Do the same for:

    • [Formulas for jobs], or

    • [Formulas for orders], or

    • [Shipping formulas for orders]