
Create self-signed certificates

PRISMAdirect can create a secure connection via HTTPS to the browsers of the customers. To use HTTPS, you need to create a self-signed certificate on PRISMAdirect. Or you can buy a certificate from a Certification Authority. When a customer visits a web shop, the certificate is deployed to the browser of the customer. PRISMAdirect creates a secure connection via HTTPS in the following cases:

  • The customer supplies credentials for custom / self-registration authentication.

  • Communication with the web server.

  • Communication between a web server and the central server.

  • JDF service

  • Printer proxy

  • PRISMAdirect Outlook AddIn

  • PRISMAdirect Web Bootstrap


It is recommended that you buy SSL certificates from a Certificate Authority when your customers use Chrome as browser. The reason is that Chrome will not setup a secure connection for self-signed certificates.

Additional information

The Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol was created to ensure secure transactions between Web servers and Web browsers.

Data sent via an SSL connection is protected by encryption, a mechanism that prevents eavesdropping and tampering with any transmitted data. SSL provides that private data sent to a Web site, such as passwords, are kept confidential. Web server 'Certificates' are required to initialise an SSL session.

End users know that they have an SSL session with a website when their browser displays the little gold padlock and the address bar starts with 'https' rather than 'http'.

When connecting to the web shop over SSL, the user's Web browser decides whether or not to trust the web shop's SSL Certificate based on which Certification Authority has issued the actual SSL Certificate. To determine this, the browser looks at its list of trusted issuing authorities - represented by a collection of Trusted Root CA Certificates added into the browser by the browser vendor (such as Microsoft and Netscape).

Most SSL certificates are issued by CAs who own and use their own Trusted Root CA Certificates. These Trusted Root CA Certificate have already been added to all popular browsers, and are already trusted. These SSL certificates are known as 'single root' SSL certificates.

Create a self-signed certificate

  1. Click [System] - [Security] - [Certificates].

  2. Click button [Add].

  3. Define all [Certificate items].

  4. Define option [Number of years that the certificate is valid:].

  5. Click button [OK].

    The created Certificate will be added to the 'Installed Certificates' list.

    Self-signed certificates are automatically imported on the web server.

Additional actions


Remove certificate

You can only remove self-signed Certificates here.

  1. Click the delete icon to delete a certificate. The icon appears when you hover the mouse pointer over the certificate.

    A dialogue will appear that asks you to confirm.

  2. Click 'OK' to remove the selected Certificate.