
Apply a discount

You can apply a discount to products and/ or user groups. When you apply multiple discounts to a product or a user group, the order of the discounts is important. The first discount in the list will be applied to the concerning product or user group. Any other discounts in this list for that product or user group will not be applied.

To change the currency for the discounts, click [Product and order editor] - [Currency].

  1. Click [Price and formula editor] - [Discounts].

  2. Click [Add].

    • Define the amount for the discount. You can type a value in the text field. You can use the decimal separator "." in the value. Or you can click the arrow buttons to increase or decrease the value.

      • Value

        The discount is a value subtracted from the formula result.

      • Percentage

        The discount is a percentage subtracted from the formula result.

    • Select for which users the discount applies.

      • [Everyone]

        The discount is available for everyone who uses the selected product.

      • [User group]

        Click Browse to select one or more user groups. The discount is available for the users in the specified user groups.

    • [Product name]

      You can apply the discount to one or more products.

    • [Web shop name]

      You can apply the discount for the products to one or more web shops.

    • [Show discounts to customers]

      Enable this option to show the discounts for the selected products and web shops. Each selected product displays the value or the percentage of the discount in a red field.

  3. Click [Save].