
Create an export folder for orders

The operator can manually export orders from the [Order processing]. It is also possible to automatically export orders from the [Order processing] via export folders. You must create an export query. If the query is valid for an order, then that order is exported. By default, all available files of an order are exported.

  1. Click [System] - [Services settings] - [Export service] - [Export folders for orders].

  2. Click button [New export folder].

  3. Define the [Export folder path].

    Type the path including the export folder name. The folder must exist on the server of PRISMAdirect, or it must be a folder on a network share that is accessible to the user running the PRISMAdirect services.

  4. Define the export query.

    If the query is valid for an order, then that order is exported. The export query is an SQL query which is uses order items. You have to define a query per export folder. Define a query

  5. Enable or disable option [Export original files and job ticket only].

    By default, all available files of an order are exported. However, when you enable this option, only the original files and the job ticket for each file are exported. The following files are not exported:

    • The JDF ticket

    • The conversion file, if available

    • The redistill file, if available

    • The merged document, if available

  6. Enable or disable option [Delete order after export].

    When you enable this option, all exported orders are removed from the [Order processing].

  7. Click [Save].

    The export folder is configured and added to the list of export folders.