
Combine jobs

To increase the print productivity, you can combine several waiting or DocBox jobs into a single job. You can change some properties of the combined job and the print order of the individual jobs.

The original job entries are no longer visible, but you always can recover the original jobs with the split function. The combined job gets the name of the first individual job.

This topic describes how to:

  • Combine waiting jobs

  • Combine DocBox jobs

  • Split jobs

Before you begin

For more information about:

Combine waiting jobs

  1. Go to the list of waiting jobs.

  2. Select the jobs you want to combine.

  3. Touch [Bundle].

    Bundle jobs
  4. If required, change the job name, the job order, and other properties.

    Properties of a bundle job
  5. Touch [OK].

  6. The job is in the list.

    Bundle job

Combine DocBox jobs

  1. Go to a DocBox folder.

  2. Select the jobs you want to combine.

  3. Touch [Build].

    Create build
  4. If required, change the job name, the job order, and other properties.

    Properties of a build job
  5. Touch [OK].

  6. The job is in the list.

    Build job

Split combined jobs into the original jobs

  1. Select the combined job.

  2. Touch [Split].