
Configure the actions at an order state change

You can configure which actions must be performed by the application when the state of an order changes. This procedure describes all actions that are possible at an order state change. Not all actions are available for all state changes.

The settings in this dialogue are part of the procedure to configure the email workflow. For the complete procedure, see Configure the email workflow.

  1. Click [Order processing] - [Workflow configuration] - [General settings].

  2. Select any of the order states.

    • Print job ticket when...

      Enable this option when you want to print the ticket when the order changes into the concerning state.

    • Enable option [Send email] when you want to send an email when the order changes into the concerning state. You can select several options for sending an email:

      • [Always]

        The email message for the concerning order state change is always send to the customer.

      • [When requested by customer]

        The email message for the concerning order state change is only sent to the customer when the customer has requested this.

      • [Send an email to the customer]

        The email message for the concerning order state change is always send to the customer.

      • [Send an email to the operators]

        The email message for the concerning order state change is always send to the operator.

    • [Allow to edit the email message before sending]

      Default email messages have been created for the order state changes that trigger sending an email. When you enable this option:

      • At a particular order state change, the concerning default email message opens.

      • The operator can change the email message.

      • The operator has to manually send the email message.

      When you disable this option, any default email message is sent automatically.

      Most, but not all, triggers contain option [Allow to edit the email message before sending].

    • [Send email to Cc addresses]

      Enable option [Send email to Cc addresses] to add a carbon copy address to the email that is send. You can define multiple email addresses. Use a semicolon to separate the email addresses.

    • [Move to category]

      Define to which category you want to move the order when the order state changes into the concerning state.

    • [Assign jobs to]

      Define to which operator you want to assign the jobs of the order when the order state changes into the concerning state.

    • [Assign orders to]

      Define to which order manager you want to assign the order when the order state changes into the concerning state.

  3. Click [Save].