
Adjust the media properties


When you create a custom media type and choose the right media category, the media properties are automatically selected. These media properties are the optimised settings for the selected media category.

In some cases, you may still want to adjust the media properties. Use the overview to change the properties accordingly.


Changing the default media properties is at your own risk. Note that it can impact the quality of the print or it can cause a paper jam.

Media properties



[Carriage elevation]

The default value is [automatic].

Select [maximum] when:

  • Media touches occur.

  • The edges of the media are wavy.

  • The edges of the media curl, caused by stress in the media or a high ink coverage (e.g. transparent papers).

  • The type of media is not flat by nature. Lay a large sheet, 1 m², flat on a table to check (e.g. Tyvek).

  • Media touches caused by wrinkling occur.

    Wrinkling because of special media (e.g. vinyl, film etc.) or high humid conditions (e.g. paper or self-adhesive).

[Compatible with the embedded knife]

When you can cut the media select [yes]. You can cut:

  • Media that you can tear by hand.

  • Plain paper 60-120 g/m²

When you cannot cut the media select [no]. You cannot cut:

  • Textile

  • Canvas

High-weight paper, thick film and thick self-adhesive media are difficult to cut. When you make the wrong choice and media cannot be cut, an error message appears on the user panel.

[Compatible with folding devices]

Select [yes] for media compatible with the [Océ 2400 fanfold / Océ 4311 fullfold series]:

  • Plain paper 60-120 g/m²

  • Vellum (quality not guaranteed)

  • Translucent (quality not guaranteed)

  • Tyvek (quality not guaranteed)

[Compatible with the Top Delivery Tray output]

Most media are compatible with the Top Delivery Tray. The performance depends on the media type, media width, or environmental conditions.

When media is not compatible with the Top Delivery Tray select [no]. Not compatible:

  • Media on a 2-inch core roll.

  • Very flexible media, such as textile.

  • Very stiff or thick media, such as canvas.

  • Media with a sticky coating.

  • Media that cannot be cut.

  • Media with high toner crystallisation will show marks on the output.

[Vacuum suction]

The vacuum sucks the media onto the print surface and assures reliable cutting. Select one of the four values:

  • [Very low] for very thin, low-weight media.

  • [Low] for film and thin textile.

  • [Medium] for normal paper.

  • [High] for thick, stiff, high-weight media.

[Media type ID]

Fill in the media type ID. The ID will be displayed in the OJT ticket, so it is advised to align the media type ID with the media name.