
Default fold templates


In case you have a folding device configured as finishing device ([Estefold 5011], [Estefold 5013 (with reinforcement unit)], [Océ Folder Professional 6011], or [Océ Folder Professional 6013 (with reinforcement unit)] ) the list below gives an overview of the fold templates that are available by default.


The [Top of folded package when printing portrait] setting or the [Top of folded package when printing landscape] setting defines the position of the legend when a sheet enters the folding device. This is to make sure that after folding, the legend is on top of the folded package.

For example, when the [Top of folded package when printing portrait] is [Top right], the sheet should enter the folding device as indicated below.

Sheet input

Folded package output

Select the [Preferences] - [Fold] tab in Océ Express WebTools to get an overview of the available fold templates.


Default full fold template


Full fold template with default values

[Top of folded package when printing portrait]

[Top right]

[Top of folded package when printing landscape]

[Top left]


[ESTE 01 - DIN B 210x297 Same size back]


[DIN B 210x297 Same size back]

[Top of folded package when printing portrait]

[Top right]

[Top of folded package when printing landscape]

[Top left]


[ESTE 02 - DIN C 210x297 Compact]


[DIN C 210x297 Compact]

[Top of folded package when printing portrait]

[Top right]

[Top of folded package when printing landscape]

[Top left]


[ESTE 03 - 210 Same size back first fold only]


[210 Same size back first fold only]

[Top of folded package when printing portrait]

[Top right]

[Top of folded package when printing landscape]

[Top left]


[ESTE 04 - DIN A 190/20x297 With binding edge]


[DIN A 190/20x297 With binding edge]

[Top of folded package when printing portrait]

[Top right]

[Top of folded package when printing landscape]

[Top left]


[ESTE 05 - DIN 198x297 Same size back with tab]


[DIN 198x297 Same size back with tab]

[Top of folded package when printing portrait]

[Top right]

[Top of folded package when printing landscape]

[Top right]


[ESTE 06 - DIN 210x305 Compact]


[DIN 210x305 Compact]

[Top of folded package when printing portrait]

[Top right]

[Top of folded package when printing landscape]

[Top left]


[ESTE 07 - Inverse DIN 210x297 Compact]


[Inverse DIN 210x297 Compact]

[Top of folded package when printing portrait]

[Top left]

[Top of folded package when printing landscape]

[Top right]


[ESTE 08 - AFNOR 297x210]


[AFNOR 297x210]

[Top of folded package when printing portrait]

[Top left]

[Top of folded package when printing landscape]

[Top left]


[ESTE 09 - AFNOR 297 First fold only]


[AFNOR 297 First fold only]

[Top of folded package when printing portrait]

[Top right]

[Top of folded package when printing landscape]

[Top right]


[ESTE 16 - DIN 210x297 Same size back with tab]


[DIN 210x297 Same size back with tab]

[Top of folded package when printing portrait]

[Top right]

[Top of folded package when printing landscape]

[Top right]