
Configure printing workflows

Printing workflow and job management settings

When you want to


Go to the printing workflow settings

  1. Open the Settings Editor and go to: [Preferences]  → [System settings].

Define the processing of jobs submitted via LPD/LPR

The printer protocol LPD can be enabled by the system administrator. The print protocol LPR must be installed on the workstation that submit the jobs.

  1. Go to [LPD].

  2. Indicate when the RIP starts to process jobs submitted via the LPR command.

  3. Click [OK].

Define the processing of jobs that use the socket printing port

Socket printing can be enabled and configured by the system administrator.

  1. Go to [Socket printing].

  2. Indicate when the RIP starts to process jobs that use the socket printing port.

  3. Click [OK].

Define the number of printed pages when an error occurs in a streaming job

  1. Go to [Subset size for error recovery].

  2. Indicate the number of pages that will be printed when an error occurs in a streaming job.

  3. Click [OK].

Define the order in which hotfolder jobs are handled

See Configure hotfolders.

Allow users to print from an USB drive

  1. Go to [Print from USB].

  2. Indicate that printing from an USB drive is allowed

  3. Click [OK].

Define where the RIP must process jobs

  1. Go to [Location RIP process].

  2. Indicate if the RIP must process jobs only in the list of scheduled jobs or also in the list of waiting jobs and in the DocBox.

  3. Click [OK].

Monitor jobs from a remote SNMP application

Remote monitoring of jobs via SNMP can be enabled by the system administrator.

  1. Go to [Job MIB enabled].

  2. Indicate that remote monitoring of jobs via SNMP is allowed.

  3. Click [OK].

Define if default originals are 1- or 2-sided

  1. Go to [Sides of originals].

  2. Indicate if originals have information on one or both sides.

  3. Click [OK].

Keep the job properties open after starting a copy or scan job

  1. Go to [Easy copy and scan mode].

  2. Indicate that you want to enable the easy copy and scan mode

  3. Click [OK].