
Configure Xerox FreeFlow Makeready 8.0 and 9.0 – IPP 2.0 / LPR connection


Before you can send the print jobs from the FreeFlow Document Scan and Makeready application to the imagePRESS C800 Series, you have to add the Canon printer to the list of printers.

The following procedure describes how to add the imagePRESS C800 Series to the FreeFlow Document Scan and Makeready application.


  1. From the workstation, click "Start -> All Programs -> Xerox FreeFlow Software -> Printer Administration -> Printer Registration.

    The "Printer Registration" dialogue appears.

  2. Click button "Add...".

    The "Add Printer Wizard" dialogue opens.

  3. Define the settings in the "Add Printer Wizard" for the imagePRESS C800 Series printer.




    Define the hostname or IP address of the PRISMAsync Print Server in the "Printer Name or IP Address" field.


    Select a value for option "Printer Model":

    • For VarioPrint 6000 series:

      Select: Xerox Nuvera 100 / 120 / 144 EA Production System or Nuvera 200 / 288 / 314

    • For varioPRINT 135 series:

      Select: Xerox 4112 / 4127

    • For imagePRESS C7011VPS Series,

      imagePRESS C800 Series,

      imagePRESS C850 Series,

      imagePRESS C10000VP Series,

      VarioPrint i-series:

      Select: Xerox 700 Digital Color Press

    The selected printer model supports punching and folding options.


    Define "Xerox Freeflow Print Server 7.0" for option "Controller/Server Type".


    Deselect option "High Security".


    Click "Next".

  4. Select option "Automatically register all queues at printer".

    IPP must be enabled for the printer in the Settings Editor.

  5. Click "Next".

    The AWF queues of the printer will be retrieved.

  6. Select which AWF queues you want to register.

    The AWF functionality can be used to enable specific PRISMAsync functionality that is not available in FreeFlow:

    • You can print to the Waiting Room or a DocBox.


      The VarioPrint i-series does not support DocBoxes.

    • You can use a specific output location which is not selectable in the printer emulation, e.g. the HCS-F1.

    • You can use special finishing options.

  7. Click "Next".
  8. Select value "Extended connectivity print job manager" for option "Print Path".

    Enable option "Print as PDF". In some cases, option "Print as PDF" will speed-up the submission time from FreeFlow to the printer.


    Value "Extended connectivity print job manager" is mandatory for all PRISMAsync Print Servers.

  9. Click "Next".
  10. Select value "Extended connectivity print job manager" for option "Print Path".

    Deselect option "Convert PDF to PS".

  11. Click "Next".
  12. Select value "LPR" for option "Print Path".
  13. Click "Finish".