The maximum supported ticket size is 5 MBytes for the JMF via HTTP workflow.
If a job contains a ticket larger than 5MBytes, error 120 (URL not accessible) will be sent in response to the JMF message "SubmitQueueEntry".
:Apogee tickets can contain colour profiles.
The JDF ticket needs to be in correct XML according to the JDF1.3 specification.
If the ticket cannot be parsed, error 120 (URL not accessible) will be sent in response to the JMF message "SubmitQueueEntry".
If a setting is not supported, it is ignored.
If a setting or a value has a syntax which deviates from the JDF schemas, it is ignored.
A best effort is made to return an error in case the ticket cannot be executed. However, in case of specification contradiction, no error might be reported and the output may differ from the ticket intent.
For example: Stapling icw output HCS may result in a stapled job to a different output location.