
Users of the print system

Print environments where the varioPRINT 6000 series is installed differ in many aspects. Therefore, it is difficult to describe general roles that are applicable to each situation. The varioPRINT 6000 series has default user accounts that are related to the access of password-protected functionality or settings. However, the default user groups can be adjusted by the system administrator according to the number or type of users in your organisation.

The tasks related to specific phases of the job workflow give a more uniform picture. Most print environments split tasks between job preparation, job planning, print production, printer maintenance, and printer configuration. Because of complexity of media definitions, many print environments have experts on these areas as well.

Below you find five different roles that are used in this operation guide.

  • The tasks of the expert focus on how to translate media requirements of customers into system and job settings.

  • The tasks of the prepress focus on the translation of specific customer requests into job settings. They can work with PRISMAprepare or PRISMAproduction to prepare documents or data for printing. When ready the documents are submitted to the printer.

  • The tasks of the operators focus on job planning, job editing, the print production and printer maintenance.

  • The tasks of the key operators focus on workflow settings and job defaults.

  • The tasks of the system administrators focus on the user authentication, data security, and connection to other systems and servers.

Aimgroup of this operation guide

This operation guide is developed to support experts, operators and key operators.