
Manage cost centres per web shop

You can manage the budgets for users and user groups. You have to create one or more cost centres for each web shop. You have to assign a budget to each cost centre. Then, you can assign one or more users and user groups to each cost centre. For the assigned users the prices of their orders are deducted from the budget. You can set a maximum price for an order for each user or user group. An approver has to accept or reject the order when the price exceeds the maximum price. Accept or reject only applies to the price of an entire order. An approver cannot accept or reject the prices of the separate jobs in an order.


When the payment workflow is enabled, then the budget management workflow is disabled.

Alternatively, you can setup an interface between the PRISMAdirect server and the uniFLOW server. The uniFLOW server then manages the cost centres and the price approval workflow. See Setup the uniFLOW interface

The settings in this dialogue are part of the procedure to configure the budget management workflow. For the complete procedure, see Configure the budget management workflow.

Budget: available, reserved and spent

You can change the available budget and you can reset the spent budget. The reserved budget is a step in the approval workflow and can therefore not be reset or changed.

  • Available budget:

    The total budget available for the users of the web site.

  • Spent budget:

    The amount spent so far by all users of the concerning cost centre. You can reset the spent budget per cost centre manually.

  • Reserved budget:

    A user has submitted an order costing $10,-. The approver must accept or reject the price of the order. While waiting for accept or rejection, the $10,- is added to the reserved budget.

    • When the order is accepted, the $10,- moves to the spent budget.

    • When the order is rejected, the $10,- moves to the available budget.

Create one or more cost centres per web shop

  1. Click [Web shop] - <web shop> - [Pricing] - [Cost centres].

  2. Click [New cost centre] to create the top level cost centre.

    Click the plus icon to add a cost centre.

  3. Type a name and description for the cost centre.

    You can use the characters: 'a - z', 'A - Z', '0 - 9', '_' . Spaces are allowed for the name.

  4. Define the email address of the approver for this cost centre. Use a semicolon to separate multiple email addresses.

    The approver receives an email when the spent budget exceeds the specified threshold.

  5. Define the available budget for the cost centre.

  6. [Send warning at threshold [%]:]

    Define a percentage of the available budget. The approver receives an email when the spent budget exceeds the specified threshold. The approver can increase or decrease the available budget, or reset the spent budget.

    You can edit the email message, see [Order processing] - [Workflow configuration] - [Email templates].

  7. [Use cost centre one level down:]

    For example, you can create a top level cost centre which contains the total budget. Then you create a cost centre per department. The cost centre for each department uses part of the total budget. When you enable this option for the top level cost centre, then users can only select one of the departmental cost centres.

  8. Select the default cost centre.

    When multiple cost centres are assigned to a web shop, you can select the default cost centre for that web shop. Customers can select any of the cost centres of the web shop.

  9. Click [Save].

Manage the cost centres per web shop

Additional actions


Reset the spent budget

  1. Click the pencil icon. The icon appears when you hover the mouse pointer over a cost centre.

  2. Click [Reset spent budget].

    The spent budget of the cost centre is reset to zero.

Edit a cost centre

Click the pencil icon. The icon appears when you hover the mouse pointer over a cost centre.

Delete a cost centre

Click the delete icon. The icon appears when you hover the mouse pointer over a cost centre.

Import cost centres

Click the import icon. The icon appears when you hover the mouse pointer over a cost centre.

The imported cost centres are added to the existing cost centres. You cannot save the imported cost centres, when you have imported an existing cost centre.

Export cost centres

Click the export icon. The icon appears when you hover the mouse pointer over a cost centre.

You can click the export icon of:

  • Top level cost centre: all cost centres are exported.

  • Any other cost centre: the selected cost centre and the cost centres it contains are exported.

By default, the XML file is stored in the "Downloads" folder on the server of PRISMAdirect.