
Download job data for diagnostics


When the printer has problems with certain jobs, you can collect the job data, download the data and send them to the Service organization for further analysis.


  1. Navigate to [Preferences] - [System defaults] - [In case of errors].
  2. Select [Save received job data for Service] : [Yes].

    The system stores the job data of all jobs that are received after activating this setting.

  3. Send the print jobs that cause problems to the printer.
  4. Select [Save received job data for Service] : [No].

    The system no longer stores the job data after deactivating this setting.

  5. Navigate to [Support] - [Maintenance].
  6. Click [Download the job data]
  7. Click [Ok] to download the zip file.


You can now send the zip file with the collected job data to the Service organization for further analysis.