
Xerox printer models

Océ DPlink emulates the Xerox 700 Digital Color Press without the XPIF colour functionality.

However, the Océ VarioPrint 6000 Series have their own specifications. Therefore, the behaviour can differ. For example, the physical paper sizes can be different.

Input queues

By default, the PRISMAsync Print Server has only one LPD input queue. In the Settings Editor, you can define multiple automated workflows. Each automated workflow is a queue. All queue names, which are used with LPR submission, will be mapped to the LPD queue of the PRISMAsync. The jobs will be visible in the list of scheduled jobs or the list of waiting jobs.

A print queue selected in the configuration of the printer on FreeFlow can be linked to an automated workflow.

Example: "Send jobs to the list of waiting jobs"

Define a print queue "hold" in the FreeFlow configuration. In the Settings Editor, create an automated workflow: "Settings Editor -> Workflow -> Automated workflows -> Add". To send a job to the list of waiting jobs, you can name the queue 'hold' and set option "Job destination" to "waiting jobs".

Number of trays

When multiple copies are required and more than four media types are required, the following can be done:

  • The job has to be split.

  • The different parts have to be collated off-line.

  • The finishing has to be off-line.


The print server can receive a document with a resolution that differs from the resolution of the printer. In this case, the document must be scaled to the resolution of the printer. The scaling impacts the performance of the printer.

For example, the printer resolution of a certain printer is set to 600 x 2400 dpi. The printer receives a document with a resolution of 600 x 600 dpi. Now, the document must be scaled to the resolution of the printer, but the scaling takes a lot of time. To increase the performance of the printer, you can set the default PostScript resolution in the Settings Editor to 1200 dpi. Now, the RIP speed, and therefore the print speed, will increase. Depending on the document content, ripping probably becomes three times faster.


The Xerox printer will translate standard attributes for colour and paper type to the local language of the printer. Océ DPlink is installed in English. Therefore, the media attributes are displayed in English.