
Create an import folder

The operator can manually import orders into the [Order processing]. It is also possible to automatically import orders into the [Order processing] via import folders.

  1. Click [System] - [Services settings] - [Import service] - [Import folders].

  2. Click [New import folder].

  3. Define the [Import folder path].

    Type the path including the import folder name. The folder must exist on the server of PRISMAdirect, or it must be a folder on a network share that is accessible to the user running the PRISMAdirect services.

  4. Select the [Import order type:].

    This setting defines the type of import folder and therefore the type of orders that can be imported.



    [Normal order]

    This type of import folder accepts all orders of PRISMAdirect.

    Normal orders will be imported using the product with which they were created. If this product does not exist anymore, they will be imported using the current Default Generic Product.

    [Legacy job]

    The orders will be imported using the current Default Generic Product.

    [JDF ticket job]

    This type of import folder creates orders containing one job.

    Drop a JDF ticket containing a link to a file in the import folder. PRISMAdirect uses the JDF ticket and the file to create an order containing one job.

    • Mapping file for the JDF ticket

      A mapping file is used to construct a valid PRISMAdirect ticket with the values taken from the JDF ticket. The import folder uses a default mapping file. The mapping file describes which ticket items are allowed in the JDF ticket.


      The TRM PRISMAdirect contains detailed information concerning the mapping files.

    • Custom mapping file for the JDF ticket

      Click [Upload] to use a custom mapping file for this import folder.

    [JDF tickets for order with multiple jobs]

    This type of import folder creates orders containing multiple jobs.

    Firstly, drop a JDF ticket of the order in the import folder. The ticket for the order specifies the names of the JDF tickets per job. The names of the JDF tickets must be comma-separated. The JDF ticket of the order must be submitted first. Then, the JDF tickets for each job must be submitted. PRISMAdirect starts a timer when it receives the JDF ticket of the order. The communication status of the order will be "Incoming". By default, the timeout is 60 minutes. All JDF tickets of the jobs must be received within that time frame. When the JDF tickets of the jobs appear within the timeout, the communication status of the order becomes "New". When the JDF tickets of the jobs do not appear within the timeout, the communication status of the order becomes "Failed".

    • Mapping file for the JDF ticket

      A mapping file is used to construct a valid PRISMAdirect ticket with the values taken from the JDF ticket. The import folder uses a default mapping file. The mapping file describes which ticket items are allowed in the JDF ticket.


      The TRM PRISMAdirect contains detailed information concerning the mapping files.

    • Custom mapping file for the JDF ticket

      Click [Upload] to use a custom mapping file for this import folder.

    [PDF only job with default order ticket]

    This type of import folder accepts only PDF files.

    • [Order ticket]

      Define a custom order ticket for this particular import folder.

    [Always accept orders and jobs]

    This type of import folder accepts only PDF files.

    • [Order ticket]

      Define a custom order ticket for this particular import folder.

    The imported orders receive the state [Accepted].

    [Scanned job]

    This type of import folder accepts only scanned files.

    The operator must create a job which contains a [Paper original]. The scanned file must contain the job number. Then the scanned file is automatically attached to the job.

    The default job ticket is used for these jobs.

  5. Select the web shop

    The orders are imported for the selected web shop.

  6. [Allowed file types]

    • To accept all document types, type: *

    • You can type the supported types of digital documents (for example PDF, DOC, PS, ...). Use a comma to separate the custom document types.

    You can customise this setting for one or more user groups. See: [User management] - [User groups] - [User group settings]. The custom settings overrule the web shop settings for the user group. The custom settings are used in all web shops for the concerning user group.

  7. [Choose a default product]

    Click the drop-down list to select a product.

    • Import folders using a JDF ticket:

      The JDF ticket can define a product that must be used to create the order. If the ticket does not define a product, then the selected default product will be used to create the new order.

    • Import folders not using a JDF ticket:

      The orders will be created using the selected product.

  8. [Timeout for orders containing multiple jobs [min.]:]

    You have to set the timeout for orders containing multiple jobs. All jobs have to be imported before the timeout expires. If the timeout expires, the order including any imported jobs is marked as [Failed].

  9. [Allow importing an order multiple times]

    The order number will increase each time you import the same order.

  10. [Preserve orders and jobs states]

    For jobs that were created with PRISMAaccess, the job state cannot be preserved and the state of the job will always be [New]

    • When this option is enabled for legacy jobs:

      If the job state of the legacy job was [Ready], the job state of the imported job is set to [Ready].

      Else, the job state of the imported job is set to [New]

    • When this option is enabled for normal jobs:

      The job state of the imported job is equal to the job state of the exported job. All the allowed job operations and restrictions imposed by the job state apply on the imported job.

    • When this option is disabled for normal jobs:

      The job state of the imported job is set to [New]

  11. [Disable automatic price estimation and quotation]

    When this option is disabled, the prices are automatically calculated directly after the import of an order.

    Else, the customer must click [Calculate now] to estimate the price of the order. The operator must click [Calculate now] to calculate the quotation.

  12. Click [Save].

    The import folder is configured and added to the list of import folders.