
The Account Log File

The Name of an Account Log File

An account log file has the following name format: <serialnumber><yyyy><mm><dd><extension>, for example 012345678920120115.CSV.




The serial number of the device.

This number is a text string with a maximum length of 10 characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9). The serial number is provided by the PRISMAsync controller at the moment the account log file is created.


The year, month and day the account log file was created.


The file extension, either .CSV (Comma Separated Values) for inactive log files, or .ACL (ACtive Log) for the active log file.

For the current file, the file has the extension .ACL. At the end of the indicated period, the .ACL file is converted into a .CSV file. With the setting [New account log file] in the Settings Editor you indicate when a new account log file is created: per day, per week, per month.

The PRISMAsync controller can store a maximum of 99 .CSV files + 1 .ACL file. When the limit is reached, the oldest .CSV file is removed.

You can retrieve the account log files from the Settings Editor ([Configuration] -> [Accounting] -> [Download account log file] ) and import the files into Microsoft® Excel, for example.

Data Records

An account log file consists of data records. The data records contain information about the use of the varioPRINT 6000 series. For each job, a new data record is added to the current account log file.

The first record of an account log file is the header record. The header record always starts with 4302. Every subsequent data record starts with 4303. These records contain the actual accounting information for each job.

The Fields of an Account Log File

The following table describes the fields of each data record in an account log file.

Field name





A number that identifies a data record.


A text string with a maximum length of 40 characters

A unique identification for a job or document, which is supplied by the submitter of the job. The document ID is extracted from the print data, for example the attribute 'documentid' in an OJT. This field keeps the same value when the job is submitted multiple times. The field is empty when the attribute is not available.


A number

The PRISMAsync controller creates a unique job identification number when:

  • A new print job is received

  • A new copy or scan job is started

  • An existing job is started from the mailbox

  • An existing job is moved from the [Printed jobs] section to the [Waiting jobs] section


The term mailbox is understood to include the list of [Waiting jobs] and the [DocBox].


Possible entries:

  • COPY

  • IP

  • AP


  • SCAN



Describes the type of job.

  • COPY: Direct copy job

  • IP: Interactive print job (a job that was printed from the mailbox).

  • AP: Automatic print job (a job that was directly printed from the network, not from the mailbox)

  • SYSTEM: A test print that was started in the service mode or service copy mode.

  • SCAN: A scan-to-file job.

  • SCAN2MBX: A job that was scanned to the mailbox.

  • MBXCOPY: A copy job that was printed from the mailbox.


The term mailbox is understood to include the list of [Waiting jobs] and the [DocBox].




When you open the file in Microsoft® Excel, the date format changes into the date format that is defined in Microsoft® Excel

The date on which the printer started printing the job. Typically, this is the first moment that a job can be interrupted or stopped via the control panel.




When you open the file in Microsoft® Excel, the time format changes into the time format that is defined in Microsoft® Excel

The time on which the printer started printing the job. Typically, this is the first moment that a job can be interrupted or stopped via the control panel.



The total time the job is active and actually printing. Hours can exceed 24.



The total time the job is active, but waits for an action by the operator, such as clearing an error or loading the required media. Hours can exceed 24.



The date on which the job was finished or aborted.



The time the job was finished or aborted.


Possible entries:

  • Done

  • Abrt

  • Stop

Information about how the job was completed.

  • Done: The job was finished correctly.

  • Abrt: The operator or the PRISMAsync controller stopped or aborted the job, for example in case of an error.

  • Stop: The job was stopped by the user and moved to the [Waiting jobs] section. When the job is restarted or continued later, multiple account records will be generated for this job.


A text string with a maximum length of 255 characters

The user name that is defined for the job, for example in the attribute 'username' in an OJT.


A text string with a maximum length of 255 characters

The name of the job for automatic or interactive print jobs and scan jobs, for example in the attribute 'jobname' in an OJT. For scan jobs, the generated file name is used.


A text string with a maximum length of 40 characters

The name of a department or user as defined in the [Cost centre] field of the [Account] tab of the printer driver or in the attribute 'GroupName' in an OJT.

This field is empty when the attribute is not available


A text string with a maximum length of 255 characters

Information as defined in the [Custom] field of the [Account] tab of the printer driver or in the attribute 'custom' in an OJT, for example.

This field is empty when the attribute is not available


A text string with a maximum length of 40 characters

The account ID as defined in the [Account ID] field of the [Account] tab of the printer driver, or on the control panel, or in the attribute 'accountid' in an OJT, for example.

This field is empty when the attribute is not available


A text string with a maximum length of 255 characters

The name of the recipient of the print job. The name is extracted from the print data, for example the attribute 'jobaddressee' in an OJT.


A number

The number of scanned A4-like sides, including custom sized sheets of which at least one dimension is equal to or less than 257 mm / 10.1".


A number

The number of scanned A3-like sides, including custom sized sheets of which all dimensions are larger than 257 mm / 10.1".


A number

The number of times that a single staple was used in a job.


This number does not include the staples from an off-line stapler.


A number

The number of times that double staples were used in a job.


This number does not include the staples from an off-line stapler.


A number

The number of finished sets. A set is finished after the last sheet is sent to the output location.


Names of output locations

A descriptive name of the output location. The exact names vary per product and depend on the configuration of the product.


A number

The number of printed A4-like sides (copy jobs or print jobs) printed in B&W. Inserts will be counted as B&W too.


A number

The number of printed A4-like sides (copy jobs or print jobs) printed in colour.


A number

The number of printed A3-like sides (copy jobs or print jobs) printed in B&W. Inserts will be counted as B&W too.


A number

The number of printed A3-like sides (copy jobs or print jobs) printed in colour.


Value in milligrammes

The estimated total usage of black toner for sheets that are printed or copied in B&W.


Value in milligrammes

The estimated total usage of toner for sheets that are printed or copied in colour.


A number

The number of 1-sided sheets of a certain paper type used in a job.


A number

The number of 2-sided sheets of a certain paper type used in a job.


A text string with a maximum length of 255 characters

The media size used for the job. Not every product supports all media sizes.

<mediatype> (1-16)*

A text string with a maximum length of 40 characters. Some entries are standardised:








Description of the media types used.

  • PLAIN: normal paper

  • TRANS: transparencies

  • COVER: a special front or back page

  • MYPAPER: a special media type that must be placed in a paper tray before starting the job, and that must be removed from that paper tray as soon as the job is ready.

  • COLOR_COPY: colour copy paper

  • COATED: coated media

  • OTHER: unspecified media. This is used when custom strings are not available.


A number

The weight of the media type in grammes per m² or lb.


A text string with a maximum length of 40 characters

The colour of the media used for the job.


A text string with a maximum length of 40 characters

The name of the media used for the job.


A number

If subsequent sheets are not identical (cyclic media), the cycle length indicates after how many sheets the same sequence starts again. For normal media the cycle length is 1. For cyclic media with an unknown cycle length, the cycle length is 0.


Yes or no ('y' or 'n')

A media attribute that indicates whether the bitmaps are printed on this media (y) or not (n).

An insert sheet can be 1-sided or 2-sided. The bitmaps corresponding to insert sheets typically are still part of the print job. Selection of insert media enforces that these bitmaps are not printed (again) on the insert media.


Yes or no ('y' or 'n')

This is a media attribute that indicates whether the media is tab media. Typically, tab media has a cycle length of 1, but this is not mandatory


A number

The number of punch holes of the prepunched media.


A number

The number of punched sheets in a job.


A number

The number of creased sheets in a job.


A number

The number of folded sheets in a job.


A number

The number of booklets in a job.


A number

The number of bound sets in a job.

<operator name>

A text string

The operator name.


A number

The number of printed black & white XL sheets.


A number

The number of printed colour XL sheets.



Not applicable for the varioPRINT 6000 series



Not applicable for the varioPRINT 6000 series


A number

Not applicable for the varioPRINT 6000 series


A number

Not applicable for the varioPRINT 6000 series


Value in milliliters (mL)

Not applicable for the varioPRINT 6000 series


Value in milliliters (mL)

Not applicable for the varioPRINT 6000 series


Value in milliliters (mL)

Not applicable for the varioPRINT 6000 series


Value in milliliters (mL)

Not applicable for the varioPRINT 6000 series


Value in milliliters (mL)

Not applicable for the varioPRINT 6000 series


Value in milliliters (mL)

Not applicable for the varioPRINT 6000 series


A number

Not applicable for the varioPRINT 6000 series


A number

Not applicable for the varioPRINT 6000 series


A number

Not applicable for the varioPRINT 6000 series


Value in milliliters (mL)

Not applicable for the varioPRINT 6000 series

<nofsheetspulled (1-16)*

A number

Not applicable for the varioPRINT 6000 series

<mediaprintmode> (1-16)*

A text string

Not applicable for the varioPRINT 6000 series


* All fields that contain (1-16) will be included 16 times in an account log file. Each number refers to the type of media (1 up to 16) that is used. The media characteristics of the first media type in a job are logged in the fields ending on '1'. The characteristics of the next, different media type are logged in the fields ending on '2', and so on. For example, <mediatype2> and <mediaweight2> both correspond to the second type of media used in a job. If you use less than 16 media types, the remaining fields are empty. If you use more than 16 media types, these media types are logged as if they were mediatype 16. The maximum number of media types per job is 16.