
Manage the users

Dialogue [User settings] displays all available users. The application automatically fills in the values in column [User type]. These values depend on the creation of the users. Every user who logs on to the application with an LDAP username and password is created automatically. The [User type] becomes:

  • [Windows user] for an automatically created user that is authenticated via Windows authentication.

  • [LDAP user] for an automatically created user that is authenticated via custom authentication.

  • [Web user] for users created in this dialogue.

  • [Web user] for self-registered users with an active account. See Activate self-registered users.

  1. Click [User management] - [Users] - [User settings].

  2. Click the plus icon to add a user.

    Click the pencil icon to edit the user.

  3. Define the user name. The user name must be unique. The following characters are not allowed in a username: @";:<>|?/\*[],=+

    The [User name] cannot be changed when you edit the user.

  4. Define the [Role] of the user.

    • [Services]

      The users in the [Services] group have the highest rights. These users can access:

      • [Order processing]. Both the [Order view] and the [Job view].

      • [Product & order editor]

      • [Web shop editor]

      • [Theme editor]

      • [Configuration]

      • [Reporting]

      • Web shops

    • [Order managers]

      The users in the [Order managers] group can access:

      • [Order processing]. Both the [Order view] and the [Job view].

      • [Product & order editor]

    • [Operators]

      The users in the [Operators] group can access the [Job view] of the [Order processing].

    • [Customers]

      The users in the [Customers] group can access the web shops.

  5. Define the [Password] for this user. You can also change the existing password of a user. The password must be different from the user name. Use the following rules to define a strong password:

    • The password must have at least 8 characters.

    • The password must use both upper case and lower case characters.

    • The password must contain at least one number.

    • The password must be different from the user name.

    Confirm the password.

    Click [Reset password] to change the existing password of a user.

  6. You can add a user to one or more user groups. However, you cannot add users to user groups that are managed by an LDAP server. User groups managed by an LDAP server are greyed out.

    When a user is added to multiple user groups:

    • You have to select a default user group for the user. The budget of the default user group is used for this user.

    • You have assigned a role to each user group. Each role has associated rights. The rights for the user groups are merged for the user.

  7. [Allow only the use of filters created by the system administrator]

    • Enabled

      The order manager and operator cannot create any filters. They can only use the filters created by the system administrator.

    • Disabled

      The order manager and operator can create filters in the [Order processing] workspace.

    This option is not available for users with role: [Customers].

  8. Click [Save].